confirmation questions

  1. What is the mass schedule at St. Matthew the Apostle Church?
    Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m., noon & 5 pm
  2. Who are the Priests at St. Matthew Church
    Father Ted Sill, pastor, Parchial Vicar Retired priests in holy service to the parish: Fr. Jim Ogurchock
  3. Who is the bishop of the Diocese of Columbus?
    Bishop Frederick Campbell
  4. Who is the Pope, the Holy Father, of the Roman Catholic Church?
    Pope Francis
  5. Name the four marks of the Catholic Church.
    One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
  6. Define One as the one of the four marks of the Catholic Church.
    The Church acknowledges one Lord, proclaims one faith, share one baptism, forms one body, is given life by one Spirit, and hopes for the day when all will be one
  7. Define Holy as the one of the four marks of the Catholic Church.
    The source of the church's Holiness is God himself. The life and death of Christ freed all the members of the church from sin (because he is Holy) and it is the Holy Spirit who gives the church life.
  8. Define Catholic as the one of the four marks of the Catholic Church.
    Universal. The Church speaks to all people at all times.
  9. Define Apostolic as the one of the four marks of the Catholic Church.
    The church is founded and built on the teachings of the Apostles. The Pope and Bishops are direct successors of the Apostles. We are called to be Apostolic by sharing what we have learned from the apostles.
  10. What prayer contains the major Catholic beliefs?
    Apostle's Creed or Nicene Creed
  11. List the three sacraments of initiation into the church.
    Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
  12. Who can administer the sacrament of baptism?
    Normally a priest or Deacon. In case of necessity, anyone made baptized using the Trinitarian formula.
  13. What does a person (or his/her parents and godparents) renounce when receiving baptism?
    Satan and all his empty promises.
  14. The feast day that celebrates the initiation of the Holy Eucharist:
    Holy Thursday
  15. What is meant by "transubstantiation"?
    It is Latin for the term, "change of substance." Catholics believe that it is a complete change of the bread and wine at Mass into the Body and Blood of Jesus, even though the appearances of the bread and wine are not changed.
  16. At wat part of the mass does the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus?
    At the consecration.
  17. List the three names of the sacrament by which we confess our sins?
    Reconciliation, Penance, confession
  18. Explain the meaning of "seal of the confessional."
    The priest has the grave duty of keeping absolutely secret all the sins that are told in the sacramental Confession and anything else that is told by the penitent and is related to the confession. The priest is unable to even mention that the person received the sacrament of Reconciliation.
  19. What are the two categories of personal sin.
    Venial and mortal
  20. What is venial sin?
    Venial sins are a failure to love God and others. Venial sins are harmful, but do not destroy a person's relationship with God. Sins of this kind of hurt our relationship with God and one another.
  21. What is mortal sin?
    Mortal sins are deliberate Disobedience of the law of God concerning a serious matter. They are decisions to do evil therefore, they cut us off from God. A mortal sin must meet three conditions it concerns a grave matter and is committed with the full knowledge and deliberate consent.
  22. What is the difference between venial and mortal sin?
    While both hurt our relationship with God, one does not cut us off from God (venial) while the other cuts us off from God (mortal). Also , venial is not a deliberate disobedience while mortal is, and Mortal has to meet three conditions. It is important to know that God will forgive any and every sin of which we repent. The sacrament of reconciliation repairs a person's relationship with God after mortal sin.
  23. Who ordinarily administers the Sacrament of Confirmation?
    The bishop
  24. In what circumstances would the anointing of the sick be administered?
    anointing of the sick is one of two sacraments that heals and saves the baptized person from sin. It is administered to those in danger of death from sickness or old age and those undergoing surgery. Those who receive the sacrament may receive the sacrament again if the original illness worsens, because of old age, or if they have another sickness.
  25. What is the name of the sacrament by which a man becomes a Priest?
    Holy Orders
  26. What is liturgy?
    Liturgy is the official public worship of the church. It is the participation of the people in the Church's praise and worship of God, the Creator and Savior, and is distinguished from private prayer and devotion. During the liturgy, Christ comes to us in a special way by the power of the Holy Spirit. We receive the Lord by His Word and by His body and blood.
  27. What are the two main parts of the mass?
    Liturgy of the word and Liturgy of the Eucharist
  28. Put the parts of the mass in order of occurrence -
    • Prayer over the gifts,
    • Communion rite,
    • Our Father,
    • Entrance rite,
    • First Reading,
    • Solemn blessing,
    • Eucharistic Prayer,
    • Gospel
    • Entrance rite,
    • First Reading,
    • Gospel,
    • Prayer over the gifts,
    • Eucharistic Prayer,
    • Our Father,
    • Communion Rite ,
    • Solemn Blessing
  29. When are Catholics obligated to participate at Mass?
    All Sundays and holydays of obligation
  30. Name the six holyday's of obligation in the United States.
    Mary, Mother of God - January 1st; Ascension of Jesus - 40 days after Easter; Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15th; All Saints Day - November 1st; Mary's Immaculate Conception - December 8th; Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas) - December 25th
  31. Can a Catholic receive communion at a non-catholic service?
  32. Can a non-catholic receive communion at a Catholic Mass?
  33. When does the liturgical year begin?
    First Sunday of Advent
  34. What days are included in the triduum?
    Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
  35. What is the most significant Feast Day in the liturgical year? Why?
    Easter - Jesus rose from the dead, showing he is truly God.
  36. What is the difference between a cross and a crucifix?
    A cross is the shape. A crucifix is the shape with Jesus's body.
  37. What are the Mysteries of the Rosary, a Catholic devotion?
    the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, the Glorious Mysteries
  38. What are the parts of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary?
    the Annunciation of Mary, Mary's Visitation to Elizabeth, the Birth of Jesus, the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the Finding of Jesus in the Temple
  39. What are the parts of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary?
    The Baptism of Jesus, the Wedding Feast of Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom, the Transfiguration, the Institution of the Eucharist
  40. What are the parts of the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary?
    Jesus Agony in the garden, Jesus's Scourging at the Pillar, the Crowning of Thorns, Jesus Carries His Cross, The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
  41. What are the parts of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary?
    Jesus' Resurrection, Jesus' Ascension into heaven, The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Mary's Bodily Assumption into Heaven, Mary's Coronation in Heaven as the Queen of Heaven and Earth
  42. Why do we participate in the devotion, Stations of the Cross?
    To remember and reflect on Jesus' Passion and death - his loving act that saves us from sin and offers us eternal life.
  43. What is a novena?
    Nine days of public or private prayer for special occasion or intention. Its origin is the nine days the disciples and Mary spent together in prayer between the Ascention and Pentecost Sunday.
  44. Define prayer.
    Prayer is communicating with God. It is the lifting of our hearts and Minds to God.
  45. What are the six main types of Prayer?
    The six types of prayer are blessing and adoration, petition, interception, Thanksgiving, praise, and contrition. Most prayers fit into one of these categories.
  46. What is blessing and adoration prayer?
    God blesses the human being and the human being in return blessings and Praises God who is the source of all blessings.
  47. What is petition prayer?
    Asking God to send whatever satisfies our true needs. We can ask for God's forgiveness and help.
  48. What is intercession prayer?
    Asking God to help someone else.
  49. What is a Thanksgiving prayer?
    • Gratitude is a most important part of any human relationship. It is also the most important in conversation with god who is the source of all good. The central act of worship for Catholics - the Holy
    • Eucharist - takes its very name from the Greek word for "thanksgiving." No day should be without prayer of thanksgiving.
  50. What is a praise prayer?
    Showing God your awareness and appreciation of his goodness and his love. They are like wonderful burst of joyful conversation.
  51. What is a Contrition prayer?
    A request for forgiveness. Conversations with God often express real sorrow for not having lived up to our calling as a follower of Jesus.
  52. What is the purpose of Grace before and after meals?
    To give thanks to the Lord for our food.
  53. Why do Catholics make the Sign of the Cross with holy water upon entering a Catholic Church?
    The water, blessed by a priest, is a sacramental. Making the Sign of the Cross with holy water is a sign of our belief in the Trinity. The holy water recalls our baptism into the Church.
  54. What is the name of the devotion that honors the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist?
    Eucharistic Adoration or Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  55. When is the Eucharistic Adoration celebrated at Saint Matthew Church?
    24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Divine Mercy Chapel
  56. What is the meaning of the term "patron saint"?
    Saints who are specially designated by the Church as having an association with a particular occupation, country or place.
  57. Facts about Saint Matthew.
    • St. Matthew was one of Jesus's 12 apostles.
    • Matthew authored the first Gospel of the Bible's New Testament.
    • Prior to preaching the word of God, he worked as a tax collector in Capernaum.
    • Matthew is the patron saint of tax collectors and accountants.
    • The feast of St. Matthew is September 21.
  58. Define martyr.
    A martyr is one who is killed because he/she chooses not to sent his/her belief in Christ and his Church.
  59. Name one of the martyrs of the church.
    There are many martyrs of the Church. St. Stephen was the first martyr of the Apostolic age. There are still martyrs today, Ri Hyon Ok of Korea, executed in 2009 for distributing bibles. It is important to note that everyone in heaven is a saint. All martyrs are saints, but not all saints are martyrs.
  60. Why do we have a Guardian Angel?
    A guardian angel represents the person to whom the angel is assigned before God, watches over him/her, defends him/her, helps in prayer and thought, and presents the soul of the just person to God after death.
  61. What does it mean to be "holy"? Who is called to holiness?
    Holy means "hallowed" or called to deep union with God. Not only is closeness with God possible, but it is God's very desire. God will lead us into close relationship with Him if we allow it. We are called to be holy.
  62. Where in the Bible can the Ten Commandments be found? Name the books and verses.
    Old Testament: Exodus 20: 2-17, Deuteronomy 5: 6-21
  63. What is the Commandment number and Commandment that pertains to: using God's name in the proper way.
    Commandment 2: You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
  64. What is the Commandment number and Commandment that pertains to: respect the belongings of another.
    Commandment number 7: You shall not steal.
  65. What is the Commandment number and Commandment that pertains to: not to love the things of the earth more than your loving God.
    Commandment number 1: I the Lord am your God. You shall not have other gods before me.
  66. What is the Commandments number and commandment that pertains to obey one's parents.
    Commandment number 4: Honor your mother and your father.
  67. What is the commandant number and commandment that pertains to: not to participate in abortion.
    Commandment number 5: You shall not kill.
  68. What is the Commandment number and Commandment that pertains to: not to desire someone else's wife/husband.
    Commandment number 9: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
  69. What is the Commandment number and commandment that pertains to: observe Sunday as a day of rest
    Commandment number 3: Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
  70. What is the Commandment number and commandment that pertains to: remain chaste before marriage.
    Commandment number 6: You shall not commit adultery.
  71. What is the Commandment number and Commandment that pertains to: be a truthful person.
    Commandment number 8: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  72. What is the Commandment number and commandment that pertains to: be content with the material possessions that one has.
    Commandment number 10: You shall not covet your neighbor's belongings.
  73. Define the Trinity.
    The Holy Trinity is one God in three Persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is the central mystery of the Catholic Church.
  74. List the 5 Precepts of the Church.
    • 1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation.
    • 2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
    • 3. You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season.
    • 4. You shall keep holy the holy days of obligation.
    • 5. You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
    • The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his abilities.
  75. List the Spiritual Works of Mercy
    • Help the sinner.
    • Teach the ignorant.
    • Counsel the doubtful.
    • Comfort the sorrowful.
    • Bear wrongs patiently.
    • Forgive injuries.
    • Pray for the living and the dead.
  76. List the Corporal Works of Mercy
    • Feed the hungry.
    • Give drink to the thirsty.
    • Clothe the naked.
    • Shelter the homeless snake.
    • Visit the sick.
    • Visit the imprisoned.
    • Bury the dead.
  77. The Beatitudes teach us that God calls us to participate in his divine nature. List the Beatitudes.
    • Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
    • Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
    • Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
    • Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, or they will be satisfied.
    • Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown Mercy.
    • Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
    • Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
    • Blessed are the persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  78. What are the three theological (Godlike) virtues?
    Faith, hope and love (charity)
  79. Discuss marriage as a sacrament.
    the church follows the teaching of Jesus Christ in regards to marriage. At the beginning of creation God made them male and female for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and the two of them shall become as one. They are no longer to, but one flesh. Therefore let no man separate what God has joined. Mark 10 6 - 9. the marriage is binding spouses for life. the love and marriage is viewed as the love God has for each of us. Thus, marriage is a Sacrament that celebrates the unconditional, Everlasting Love between a man and woman.
  80. What is the Catholic position on divorce and remarriage? How is divorce different from an element?
    • There are times when couples do separate and divorce. When that happens, the church examine in detail their marriage to determine if, right from the start, some essential element was missing in their relationship. If that fact is established, the spouse did not have the kind of marital link that binds them together for life. Be a moment recognizes the marriage wasn't a sacramental marriage.
    • When an annulment is issued, both are free to marry again in the Catholic Church. Children are still considered illegal offspring of a marriage that has been enough. In fact, during the annulment procedures, the church reminds the parents of their moral obligation to provide for the proper upbringing of their children.
  81. What is the official teaching of the Church regarding premarital sexual intercourse?
    Sexual intercourse is part of the relationship between a married man and woman and is not permitted outside the sacrament of matrimony.
  82. What is the church's teaching about human life?
    Human life is sacred and a gift from God from conception to natural death. From the beginning, we have a special relationship with our Creator. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end. No one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right to destroy an innocent human being.
  83. What does the church believe about Heaven?
    Each person, at the moment of death, will be judged. Our souls, our spirits that live forever, are given their reward or punishment at this time, called our particular judgement. During life many people are faithful to the covenant and live in the love of God and others. They will be welcomed into Heaven, the state of supreme joy that exists when we are in total union with God.
  84. Discuss what the church teaches about Hell?
    Hell is the state or condition of alienation from God for all eternity. The Church teaches that a person's own free, complete, and deliberate choice of sin and evil leads to Hell. Thus, if we finally and completely reject God and his love and forgiveness, even at the time of death, then we will experience hell, eternal separation from God.
  85. Explain purgatory.
    Those who die in God's grace and friendship, but still are not perfect enough to enter God's presence are assured of eternal salvation, but will need to undergo some purification ("cleansing") after death. This state of purification is called purgatory. It is a great gift from our loving and forgiving God.
  86. What is the purpose of next year's Confirmation service project?
    The service project is intended for you to use your gifts to serve others. Confirmation completes initiation into the church, there by, making us Disciples of Jesus. As disciples, we are called to serve God and others. The service project helps us to begin this "lifestylel" or "mindset" of service.
  87. What are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    • Wisdom,
    • Understanding,
    • Knowledge,
    • Counsel (Right Judgement),
    • Fortitude (Courage),
    • Piety (Reverence),
    • Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe)
  88. Define wisdom as this as the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    helps us to see God, ourselves, and others as God sees us. Helps us to distinguish between what is good and evil also helps us to see and follow God's plan in our lives.
  89. Define understanding as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Helps us to make sense out of what we know and believe about God, about Jesus, and the church. It helps us "get the point" of scripture reading. With understanding, begin to see life from God's point of view.
  90. Define knowledge as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Helps us to know - and be known by - God, ourselves, and others in a deeper way. Helps us to become better friends with God.
  91. Define counsel or right judgement as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Helps us to make good decisions and to act on our beliefs. Serious attention, reflection and prayer help us to develop our conscience.
  92. Define fortitude or courage as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Empowers us to live our beliefs, to use our god-given talents bravely, and to reach out to others and loving service. Being Christian often goes against the prevailing values of our world and can lead to risk, contempt and ridicule.
  93. Define piety or reverence as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Helps us to treat God and everyone and everything God has made with love and respect.
  94. Define fear of the Lord or wonder and awe as one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    Helps us to remain open to the surprising, delightful, loving presence of God in our lives, and to respond to this with goodness and love.
  95. What is meant by the term fruit of the spirit? See st. Paul's letter to the Galatians chapter 5
    The qualities, or perfections, that the Holy Spirit forms in us. The fruits of the Spirit make evident the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Modesty and Chastity are also considered fruits of the Spirit.
  96. Although conversion is a daily struggle the intent of the confirmation preparation process is a more serious effort toward conversion. Define conversion (in religious terms). After thinking about the definition think of some ways you might do to lead a life of conversion.
    Basically, conversion means a change of mind and heart. Conversion comes from the Latin word conversion, and meaning turning, turning around, or changing. It is a process by which a person becomes more devoted to the good news of Christ and centers his/her life on charity, service to others, and prayer. It is any turning or changing from a state of sin to repentance, from a lax to a fevent way of life, from unbelief to faith.
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confirmation questions
questions for confirmation