
  1. what does anatomy deal with?
    • the structure of the body and its parts
    • *names of the parts
  2. What is physiology?
    • studies the functions of the parts
    • *how do they work?
  3. Anatomy and Physiology are closely interralted because the...
    functional role of a part depends on how it is constructed
  4. 7 levels of organization


    - cells



    -organ systems

  5. 7 levels of organization) 3 examples of chemicals


  6. 7 levels of organization) Chemicals- Atoms
    simplest level
  7. 7 levels of organization) Chemicals- 2 or more atoms comprise makes a...
  8. 7 levels of organization) what are organelles?
    aggregates of macromolecules used to carry out a specific function in the cell
  9. 7 levels of organization) what are cells?
    basic units of structure and function for living things
  10. 7 levels of organization) what are tissues?
    groups of cells functioning together
  11. 7 levels of organization) what are organs?
    groups of tissues that have specialized functions
  12. 7 levels of organization) what are organ systems?
    groups of organs that function together
  13. 7 levels of organization) what is an organism?
    organ systems functioning together
  14. which 10 characteristics constitute metabolism?

    *These are also fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms









  15. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) Movement (1+3)
    -change in position of the body, body part, or internal organ
  16. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) Responsiveness
    reaction to internal or external change
  17. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) Growth
    increase in size without change in shape
  18. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) reproduction
    new organisms or new cells
  19. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) respiration (2)
    use of oxygen

    removal of CO2
  20. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) digestion
    breakdown of food into simpler forms
  21. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) Absorption
    movement of substances through membranes and into fluids
  22. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) circulation
    movement within body fluids
  23. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) assimilation
    changing nutrients into chemically different forms
  24. fundamental characteristics of life shared by all organisms) excretion
    removal of metabolic wastes
  25. what is metabolism? (2+3)
    physical and chemical events that obtain, release, and use energy.
  26. Life depends on the availability of  which 5 things?




  27. requirements of organisms) which is the most abundant chemical in the bpdy?
  28. requirements of organisms) what is required for many metabolic processes?
  29. requirements of organisms) what provides the environment for metabolic processes?
  30. requirements of organisms) what does the body use as a transportation medium?
  31. requirements of organisms) what regulates body temperature?
  32. requirements of organisms) what makes up intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments?
  33. requirements of organisms) what provides the body with needed nutrients?
  34. requirements of organisms) what is food needed for? (5)

    -raw building materials



    -regulate chemical reactions
  35. requirements of organisms) what does oxygen do?
    releases energy from food
  36. requirements of organisms) heat (3)
    -product of metabolic reactions that controls reaction rate


    -measure of the degree of heat
  37. requirements of organisms) what is pressure?
    force applied to something
  38. requirements of organisms) Atmospheric pressure is needed for...
  39. requirements of organisms) Hydrostatic pressure is needed to...
    move blood through blood vessels
  40. WHat is homeostasis?
    maintenance of a stable internal environment
  41. Homeostasis is regulated through...
    control systems
  42. Homeostasis) Control systems have (3)

    -set point

  43. Homeostasis) what are receptors used for?
    job is to monitor for changes
  44. Homeostasis) what is set point?
    normal value or range of values
  45. Homeostasis) effectors
    muscles or glands that respond to the changes to return to stability
  46. Homeostasis) what are many of the body's homeostatie controls labeled as?
    negative feedback mechanisms
  47. Homeostasis) what is negative feedback? (2)
    -responses move in the opposite direction from the change

    -reduces the amount of change from the set point
  48. Homeostasis) description of positive feedback mechanisms (2)
    -response moves further from the set point

    -change from set point gets larger
  49. body is divided by two portions

  50. 3 parts included in axial portion


  51. whats included in appendicular portion of the body? (2)

    -lower limbs
  52. axial protions contains 4 cavities that house body organs



    -abdominopelvic cavity
  53. what houses the cranial cavity?
  54. what houses vertebral cavity?
    spinal cord
  55. what houses the thoracic cavity? (3)


  56. 2 cavities within abdominopelvic cavity
    -abdominal cavity

    -pelvic cavity
  57. abdominopelvic cavity) abdominal cavity (2)
    viscera of digestion and the spleen
  58. abdominopelvic cavity) pelvic cavity (3)
    -end of large intestine

    -urinary bladder

    -internal reproductive organs
  59. what separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
  60. Smaller cavities within the head include...(4)



    -middle ear cavity
  61. membranes that line the cavities are double layered...both of those layers are called (2)

  62. Double layered membrane) parietal portion
    attaches to wall cavity
  63. Double layered membrane) visceral portion
    covers the internal organ
  64. Thoracic cavity is lined with...
    pleural membranes
  65. thoracic cavity) parietal pleura lines the...
  66. thoracic cavity) the visceral pleura covers the...
  67. thoracic cavity) what seprates the double layered membrane within this cavity?
    thin layer of serous fluid
  68. Heart is surrounded by
    pericardial membranes
  69. heart) the parietal pericardium makes up an...
    outer sac
  70. heart) the visceral pericardium covers the...
  71. heart) what sepearets both pericardial membranes?
    serous fluid
  72. what lines the abdominopelvic cavity?
    peritoneal membranes
  73. abdominopelvic) parietal peritoneum lines the...
  74. abdominopelvic) visceral peritoneaum covers teh
  75. Organ systems) which organ system is used for body covering?
    integumentary system
  76. Organ systems) whats included in integumentary system? (4)



  77. Organ systems) whats function of integumentary system (4)
    -protects underlying tissues

    -helps regulate body temperature

    -senses changes

    -synthesizes certain products
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Chapter 1: Intro to AP