
  1. what is the skeletal system made up of? (2)
    bones and ligaments
  2. function of skeletal system (5)


    -provides frameworks

    -stores inorganic salts

    -houses blood-forming tissues
  3. 2 systems that make up support and movement

    -muscular system
  4. function of muscular system (3)
    -provide body movement


    -body heat
  5. 2 systems part of integration and coordination
    -nervous system

    -endocrine system
  6. Nervous system consists of... (4)

    -spinal cord


    -sense organs
  7. main function of nervous system
    -integrates incoming information from receptors to send impulses to muscles and glands
  8. what is included in endocrine system? (8)





    -thymus glands



    *along with other organs that secrete hormones*
  9. function of endocrine system
    helps to integrate metabolic functions
  10. what two systems are part of the transport system?
    -cardiovascular system

    -lymphatic system
  11. Cardiovascular system is made up of..(2)

    -blood vessels
  12. function of cardiovascular system
    -distributes "things" throughout the body while removing wastes from the cells
  13. what are some examples that cardiovascular system distribute along the body? (3)


  14. what does the lymphatic system consist of? (4)
    -lymphatic vessels

    -lymph nodes


  15. 2 fucntions of lymphatic system
    -drains excess tissue fluid

    -includes cells of immunity
  16. 3 systems that cover absorption and excretion
    -disgstive system

    -respiratory system

    -urinary system
  17. 5 things that make up disgestive system




    -accessory organs
  18. function of disgestive system (3)

    -breaks down

    -absorbs nutrients
  19. function of respiratory system
    -exchanges O2 and CO2 between the blood and air
  20. what consists of the respiratory system? (2)

  21. what consists of the urinary system? (4)



  22. function of urinary system (2)
    -removes wastes from the blood

    -helps to maintain water and electrolyte balance
  23. main function of reproductive system
    produces new organisms
  24. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) Superior
    above another part
  25. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) inferior
    below another part
  26. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) Anterior
    toward the front
  27. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) whats another word for anterior?
  28. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) whats another word for posterior?
  29. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) posterior
    toward the back
  30. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) median
    closer to the midline
  31. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) lateral
    toward the side
  32. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) bilateral
    paired structures with one on each side
  33. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) Ipsilateral
    structures on the same side
  34. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) Contralateral
    structures on the opposite sides
  35. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) Proximal
    closer to point of attachment or reference point
  36. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) distal
    further from the point of attachment or another reference point
  37. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) superficial
    near the surface
  38. Terms of relative position to describe the location of one body part to another) deep
    more internal
  39. body sections) sagittal section
    divides the bdy into right and left portions
  40. body sections) if a sagittal section passes along the midline and divides the body into equal parts then it is called a...
    median or midsagittal section
  41. body sections) sagittal: a section lateral to the midline is ...
  42. body sections) transverse section
    divides the body into superior and inferior portions
  43. body sections) frontal section
    divides the body into anterior and posterior sections
  44. body sections) another name for frontal section
  45. body sections) another name for transverse section
    horizontal section
  46. body regions) the abdominal area can be divided into 9 regions...

    -right hypochondriac

    -left hypochondriac


    - right lumbar

    -left lumbar


    -right iliac

    -left iliac
  47. body regions) the abdominal area can also be divided into 4 quadrants
    -right upper quadrant

    -left upper quadrant

    -right lower quadrant

    -left lower quadrant
  48. terms for various body regions) Otic
  49. terms for various body regions) nasal
  50. terms for various body regions) oral
  51. terms for various body regions) cervical
  52. terms for various body regions) Acromial
    Point of Shoulder
  53. terms for various body regions) Axillary
  54. terms for various body regions) mammary
  55. terms for various body regions) brachial
  56. terms for various body regions) antecubital
    front of elbow
  57. terms for various body regions) abdominal
  58. terms for various body regions) antebrachial
  59. terms for various body regions) carpal
  60. terms for various body regions) palmar
  61. terms for various body regions) digital
  62. terms for various body regions) genital
    reproductive organs
  63. terms for various body regions) patellar
    front of knee
  64. terms for various body regions) crural
  65. terms for various body regions) tarsal
  66. terms for various body regions) digital
    toes or fingers
  67. terms for various body regions) cephalic
  68. terms for various body regions) frontal
  69. terms for various body regions) orbital
    eye cavity
  70. terms for various body regions) buccal
  71. terms for various body regions) mental
  72. terms for various body regions) sternal
    sternum area
  73. terms for various body regions) pectoral
  74. terms for various body regions) umbilical
  75. terms for various body regions) inguinal
  76. terms for various body regions) coxal
  77. terms for various body regions) femoral
    • thigh
    • *front and back
  78. terms for various body regions) pedal
  79. terms for various body regions) occipital
    back of the head
  80. terms for various body regions) vertebral
    spinal column
  81. terms for various body regions) brachial
  82. terms for various body regions) dorsal
  83. terms for various body regions) cubital
  84. terms for various body regions) lumbar
    lower back
  85. terms for various body regions) sacral
    between hips
  86. terms for various body regions) gluteal
  87. terms for various body regions) perineal
    below the sacral and between gluteal areas

    *by anus
  88. terms for various body regions) popliteal
    back of the knee
  89. terms for various body regions) calcaneal
  90. terms for various body regions) plantar
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Chapter 1 PTII