FNP final 2

  1. For how long to antacids provide relief?
    ~ 30 min
  2. For how long to H2 blockers provide relief? (Pepcid, Tagamet, Zantac)
    How long do they take to start working?
    • 6-12 hrs
    • 60-120 min
  3. How long should a PPI be prescribed? What if symptoms return?
    • 4-8 weeks
    • endoscopy
  4. Which studies might be most important to order for a pt taking sertraline?
    B12, folate, TSH
  5. The most common side effect of amlodipine.
    lower extremity edema
  6. What might elevations in AST/ALT indicate?
    death of hepatocytes (died and spilled contents)
  7. What might an elevation in alk phos indicate?
    • prob with liver OR bone
    • (also expected in pregnancy and teens)
  8. ALT > AST 2-10x normal (ALT:AST>1).
    Viral hepatitis
  9. AST > ALT
    • EtOH, drugs, liver disease
    • (Acetaminophen, Statins, Tequila)
  10. AST : ALT < 1
  11. What does PT/albumin level tell you?
    How well liver is making things (liver only organ that makes albumin)
  12. AST:ALT ratio <1;
    ALT & AST 2-5 x ULN;
    ALP 2-3 x ULN
  13. #1 cause of liver trasplants.
  14. What does HBsAg tell you?
    acutely infected with Hep B or not
  15. What does anti-HBs tell you?
    Immune or not to Hep B
  16. What does anti-HBc tell you?
    past infection or not of Hep B
  17. What does anti-HAV IgG tell you?
    • (+) = immune
    • (-) = not immune
  18. What does anti-HAV IgM tell you?
    • (+) = acutely infected with Hep A
    • (-) = not acutely infected
  19. What should you order to screen for Hep C?
    What if exposure in last 6 months?
    • Anti-HCV
    • HCV RNA
  20. How soon does anti-HCV become positive after exposure to Hep C?
    as early as 8 weeks
  21. Positive McBurney's point & confirmatory test.
    • suspect appendicitis
    • CT (US in child)
  22. URQ pain?  Initial test? What if inconclusive?
    • suspect cholecystitis
    • US
    • HIDA scan
  23. Elevated TG and acute abdominal pain. What tests?
    • pancreatitis
    • amylase, lipase
  24. Test for bowel obstruction.
    flat & erect X-ray
  25. Most reliable indicator of infection (UTI).
  26. Secondary causes of HTN.
    • renal, vascular
    • endocrine, neurologic
    • pharmacologic
    • pregnancy > 20 weeks
  27. What are the major risks of prescribing levothyroxine?
    • Accelerated bone loss,
    • atrial fibrillation
  28. Consider Metformin for IFG if?
    • A1C 5.7-6.4
    • age <60
    • BMI 35 or greater
    • women w/ h/o gest DM
  29. Meds assoc with increased risk of dev of T2DM.
    • statins
    • atypical antipsych
    • HCTZ
  30. Examples of sulfonylureas.
    • glimepiride
    • glipizide
    • glyburide
  31. What kind of po med for DM if irregular eating schedule?
    • Meglinitides
    • (-glinides)
  32. After initiating insulin, usually discontinue what?
    sulfonylureas, glitazones
  33. New onset ED can be a significant finding for what?
    prostate CA
  34. PSA > _____ needs biopsy.
  35. PSA between ______-_____ almost always biopsied.
  36. Normal PSA.
    < 4
  37. Tx for epididymitis.
    • Ceftriaxone 250mg IM +
    • doxy 100mg bid x 10 days
    • (culture)
  38. Which disease can present with palmar rashes?
    • 1. Rocky Mountain Spotted
    • 2. Syphilis
    • 3. Erythema multiforme
  39. Elderly pt w/ acute onset severe eye pain w/ ha, n, v, halos around lights, decreased vision.  Mid-dilated pupil oval-shaped. Cloudy cornea. Cupping of optic nerve.
    • Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma
  40. What is scotomoa?
    retinal detachment
  41. Cauliflowerlike growth, hearing loss on affected ear.  Landmarks not visible. h/o choronic OM infections.
    • Cholesteatoma
    • tx: abx, surgical debridement, refer to HEENT
  42. Acute onset of eye pain, photophobia, blurred vision of affected eye.
    • Look for herpetic rash on tip of nose to r/o shingles of CN5; fernlike lines w/ fluorescein(avoid steroid drops)
    • could also be corneal abrasion: use topical abx 3-5 days Do NOT patch eye. f/u in 24 hrs
    • consider pain rx for 48 hrs
  43. Older black pt with DM, gradual onset of peripheral vision changes, then central.
    • check IOP (cupping = increased)
    • Refer pt for primary open-angle glaucoma
    • can lead to blindness
    • TX: timolol eye drops to lower IOP (not w/ resp probs or HF)
  44. Older pt acute onset of severe frontal ha or eye pain w/ blurred vision and tearing, halos around lights. Sometimes n/v.
    Refer to ED! (Primary angle-closure glaucoma)
  45. Red sore eyes. Increased tearing. No purulent discharge (like in conjunctivitis).
    • Anterior uveitis (Iritis)
    • higher risk with autoimmune DO
    • REFER
  46. Elderly smoker with gradual or sudden and painLESS central vision loss.  Straight lines appear distorted.
    • Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
    • Amsler grid, REFER
    • (high-dose antioxidants and zinc)
  47. Chronic autoimmune DO w/ dry eyes (and gritty) and mouth > 3 months. Swollen and inflamed salivary glands.
    • Sjogren's Syndrome
    • OTC substitute tid
    • REFER to ophthalmologist & rheum
  48. Strep throat complications.
    • Scarlet fever (sandpaper rash)
    • Rheumatic fever (can affect heart valves, joints, brain)
    • peritonsillar abscess - ED STAT
  49. Complications from AOM.
    • cholesteatoma
    • Mastoiditis
    • periorbital/orbital cellulitis - REFER to ED
    • Meningitis
  50. If Amor was used in past 3 months, how should you treat AOM?
    Augmentin or Ceftin
  51. What to use to tx AOM if PCN allergic?
    macrolides, sulfas
  52. Rinne test results of BC ____ AC with conductive hearing loss.
  53. ______ test results in lateralization to the affected ear.
  54. Most common tx for impacted cerumen.
    carbamide peroxide
  55. Signs of CF.
    • chronic cough
    • persistent vomiting, especially with cough
    • salty sweat/skin
    • recurrent URI
    • abdominal distention
  56. The recommendations are _____ days of abx for children 2 years or older who have mild to moderate acute otitis media (AOM).
    Children < 2 yrs should be treated for ___ days.
    • 5-7
    • 10
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FNP final 2