Ab Lab test 2 (2)

  1. step 3
    find your protein intake
  2. the amount of protein your body requires is based on the amount of muscle mass that you have, and how you use it
    Step 3: Find your protein intake
  3. 0.8g of protein x body weight=
    recommended daily amount (RDA) for protein
  4. If you intend to start out in a calorie deficit then I would start with a higher RDA for protein
    1g x body weight=RDA for protein
  5. step 4
    find your fat intake
  6. step 5
    find your carbohydrate intake
  7. how to easily track your macros and daily caloric intake
    • purchase a food scale:they are more accurate than measuring cups. 
    • Download a nutrition tracker app
  8. If the foods you like to eat tend to be more calorie dense, an easy way to work them into macros is to reduce your meal frequency (allowing for an increase in meal size).
    You do not have to eat every 2-3 hour
    Meal timing (nutrient timing)
  9. With proper training progression, these macros should support steady fat loss for at least 4-6 weeks before needing to be lowered again or adjusted for the next phase. This is a simple approach for fat loss and is based on very general rules
    Step 5: Find your carbohydrate intake.
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Ab Lab test 2 (2)
test 2