Words from Latin Roots (16)

  1. ascribe
    v: to attribute to a specific person, source, cause, or origin; to assign as an attribute; to give credit
  2. consign
    v: to hand over to another's care; to transfer into someone else's hands; to assign to a specific, sometimes undesirable, place or location
  3. deportment
    n: the manner of one's conduct, behavior, demeanor, or bearing
  4. designee
    n: a person who has been selected for or appointed to a particular office or position but not yet officially installed
  5. dissimilar
    a: not alike; clearly different from
  6. facsimile
    n: a very close copy, as of a document or an edition of a book; an exact reproduction; a,liked close copy
  7. insignia
    n: a distinguishing mark or sign; a badge or office, rank, or membership; an emblem
  8. nondescript
    a: without noteworthy characteristics or qualities; unremarkable; n,such a person or thing
  9. portmanteau
    n: a large (leather) suitcase that opens like a book into two compartments
  10. rapport
    n: a generally harmonious relationship between or among people; a feeling of mutual trust and emotional affinity
  11. simulate
    v: to make an outward appearance of; to pretend
  12. subscribe
    v: to make a pledge to buy; to support, as an idea or doctrine
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Words from Latin Roots (16)
Words from Latin Roots (16)