Biochem notes Exam 1

  1. what is sciene
    the process of gaining knowledge and understanding about the natural world
  2. practical side of scientific approach
    • experimental reproducibility
    • honesty
  3. fundamental assumption of science
    forces and phenomena existing within the universe can be understood by applying a process of inquiry-the scientific method
  4. man in history who introduced reproducibility
  5. possible phases of evolution of life
    • prebiotic chemistry
    • self-replicating molecules
    • an RNA world (catalysis and information)
    • breakthrough organism (package with crude metabolism)
    • progenote (L.U.C.A.)
    • biological evolution
  6. timeline of evolution
    • earth formation 4.6 bil
    • oldest fossil 3.7 bil
    • evidence of O2(photosynthesis) 2.5 bil
  7. palimpset
    • something that's been written over and over again
    • ex: cofactors or enzymes
  8. % of water in cells
  9. hydrophobic interaction of water and oil
    in the presence of water oil will build up and coagulate and pack tightly to block out the polar water molecules
  10. how to find pH from proton concentration
  11. henderson hassel-balch equation
  12. the stronger the acid...
    the stronger the pKa
  13. non-polar aliphatic R groups
    glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, proline
  14. Polar, uncharged R groups
    serine, threonine, cysteine, asparagine, glutamine
  15. aromatic R groups
    phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan
  16. positively charged R groups
    lysine, arginine, histidine(aromatic)
  17. negatively charged r groups
    aspartate, glutamate
  18. configuration
    molecule can be inter converted only by breaking and reforming one or more covalent bonds
  19. conformation
    can be interconverted without breaking a covalent bond ex: rotation around sigma bond
  20. UV absorption amino acids
    tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine
  21. peptide bond formation in vitro
    • attached to resin
    • removal of protecting group
    • activation of next amino acid
    • peptide bond formation
    • removal of polypeptide from resin
  22. how do peptides form invitro
    carboxyl to N-temrinus
  23. function of proteins
    • catalysis
    • transport
    • nutrient/storage
    • motion
    • structure
    • defense
    • regulation
    • misc.
  24. which amino acid forms disulfide bonds
    2 cysteines forms cystine
  25. avg. UV absorption forĀ  protein
    OD280 0.55 for a 1 mg/mL solution
  26. ways to detect protein
    UV absorption and colorimetric assays
  27. international enzyme unit
    1 micromol=10-6 amount of enzyme that wil convert 1 micromol of product in one minute at 30 C
  28. units for protein activity
  29. units for protein concentration
  30. units for protein specific activity
    enzyme units/ mg of protein
  31. protein purification procedure
    • break open cells
    • fractionate
    • test for purity
  32. precipitate nucleic acids with
    • positively charged polymer
    • polyethylene glycol
  33. precipitate protein with
    • salt(NH4SO4) least harmful
    • pH extremes
    • heat
  34. types of chromatography
    • ion-exchange
    • size exclusion
    • affinity chromatography
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Biochem notes Exam 1
stuff bruh