Craniofacial muscles for Exam 1

  1. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of UVULAR MUSCLE of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--posterior nasal spine
    • 2. course--downward and horizontal
    • 3. insertion--tip of the uvula
    • 4. function--shortens the soft palate; elevates the uvula
    • 5. dysfunction--leaves midline groove in the soft palate
  2. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of LEVATOR VELI
    PALATINI muscle of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--base of the skull
    • 2. course--down, forward and medial
    • 3. insertion--soft palate at the midline
    • 4. function--raises the soft palate; principal muscle of soft palate closure
    • 5. dysfunction--failure of velopharyngeal closure
  3. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of the TENSOR VELI PALATINI muscle of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--pterygoid notch
    • 2. course--down, around hamulus and then medially
    • 3. insertion--soft palate near the midline
    • 4. function--tenses the soft palate from side to side; opens the Eustachian tube
    • 5. dysfunction--failure to regulate the opening of the Eustachian tube
  4. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of the PALATOGLOSSUS muscle (anterior faucial pillar) muscle of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--edges of the soft palate
    • 2. course--inferiorly, curving lateral then medial
    • 3. insertion--lower edge of the tongue
    • 4. function--pulls the soft palate down or elevates the edges of the tongue
    • 5. dysfunction--
  5. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of the PALATOPHARYNGEUS muscle (posterior faucial pillar) muscle of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--posterior hard palate
    • 2. course--inferior and lateral in curving shape
    • 3. insertion--upper rim of the thyroid cartilage
    • 4. function--lowers the soft palate and elevates the larynx---active during swallowing
    • 5. dysfunction--
  6. Name origin course, insertion, function, and dysfunction of the SUPERIOR PHARYNGEAL CONSTRICTOR muscle of the soft palate.
    • 1. origin--posterior midline pharyngeal raphe
    • 2. course--circular around the pharynx
    • 3. insertion--midline of anterior pharyngeal wall
    • 4. function--narrows the pharynx; draws the posterior pharyngeal wall forward & aids in velopharyngeal closure
    • 5. dysfunction--
Card Set
Craniofacial muscles for Exam 1
Muscles of the soft palate