
  1. requiring oxygen
  2. involves activity in which the muscles cannot draw out enough oxygen from the blood stream; used in endurance training
  3. closed tissue surfaces
  4. a strip of cloth used to wrap some part of the body
  5. a type of bandage applied to large body areas (abdomen or chest) or for a specific body part (arm sling); used to provide support
  6. a protein found in connective tissue; a whitish protein substance that adds tensile strength to a wound
  7. a moist gauze dressing applied frequently to an open wound, sometimes medicated
  8. removal of infected and necrotic tissue
  9. the partial or total rupturing of a sutured wound; usually involves an abdominal wound in which the layers below the skin also separate
  10. thick necrotic tissue produced by burning, by a corrosive application, or by death of tissue associated with loss of vascular supply, bacterial invasion, and putrefaction
  11. extrusion of the internal organs
  12. loss of the superficial layers of the skin
  13. an insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen during the clotting of blood
  14. rubbing; the force that opposes motion
  15. a collection of blood in a tissue, organ, or space due to a break in the wall of a blood vessel
  16. excessive loss of blood from the vascular system
  17. cessation of bleeding
  18. prescribed or unavoidable restriction of movement in any area of a person's life
  19. the washing out or flushing of a body cavity, organ, or wound with by a stream of water or other fluid which may or may not be medicated
    Irrigation (lavage)
  20. deficiency of blood supply caused by obstruction of circulation to the body part
  21. a hypertrophic scar containing an abnormal amount of collagen
  22. the wasting away or softening of a solid as if by the action of soaking; often used to describe degenerative changes and eventual disintegration
  23. an instrument used to measure the pressure of fluids or gases
  24. filling an open wound or cavity with a material such as gauze
  25. the process by which cells engulf microorganisms, other cells, or foreign particles
  26. a compressing downward force on a body area
  27. tissue surfaces are approximated (closed) and there is minimal or no tissue loss, formation of minimal granulation tissue and scarring
    Primary intention healing
  28. any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to underlying tissue; formerly called decubitus ulcers, bed sores, pressure sores
    Pressure ulcers or Decubitus ulcers
  29. an exudate consisting of leukocytes, liquefied dead tissue debris, and dead and living bacteria
    Purulent exudates
  30. a thick liquid associated with inflammation and composed of cells, liquid, microorganisms, and tissue debris
  31. bacteria that produce pus
    Pyogenic bacteria
  32. a bright red flush on the skin occurring after pressure is relieved
    Reactive hyperemia
  33. renewal, regrowth, the replacement of destroyed tissue cells by cells that are identical or similar in structure and function
  34. an exudate containing large amounts of red blood cells
    Sanguineous exudate or Hemorrhagic exudate
  35. wound in which the tissue surfaces are not approximated and there is extensive tissue loss; formation of excessive granulation tissue and scarring
    Secondary intention healing
  36. inflammatory material composed of serum (clear portion of blood) derived from the blood and serous membranes of the body such as the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, and meninges; watery in appearance and has few cells
    Serous exudate
  37. a combination of friction and pressure which when applied to the skin results in damage to the blood vessels and tissues
    Shearing force
  38. the formation of pus
  39. referred to as a hip bath, is used to soak a client's pelvic area
    Sitz bath
  40. a decrease in the caliber (lumen) of blood vessels
  41. an increase in the caliber (lumen) of blood vessels
  42. Wound care
    -As routine procedure, gather items needed, introduce and verify identity, provide privacy.
    -drape a pad and bath blanket around area convenient for irrigation, and a disposable bag near by
    -Wash hands, put on non sterile gloves and take the old dressing off (moisten if stuck)
    -Use soaked gauze to clean area around the wound. Clean from center out. One stroke per swab or gauze. Throw away old dressings and such in disposable bag.
    -Assess wound for: drainage, swelling, color, pockets, odor and healing (red pinkish blood)
    -Remove gloves, wash hands.
    • -Open sterile package, drop other items onto the sterile from their package without breaking the sterile field.
    • -Open irrigation kit and drop syringe onto sterile field. Set the cup aside to pour sterile water in , off the sterile field but close enough to reach. -Pour sterile water into the cup. Place the basin below the wound to catch drainage.
    • **To avoid splashing or contaminant on us, don gown, mask, and goggles.
    • **Put on sterile gloves. Open antiseptic cleaner into tray, soak gauze in water, draw the water for irrigation into the syringe without touching the cup to maintain sterility.
    • -Irrigate the wound from best area to worst and until solution becomes clear.
    • -Dry area around the wound, and Assess the wound. ( small amount of exudate so little cleaning necessary)
    • -Use the tweezers and place the moistened gauze into the crevice and place new bandage on wound.
    • -Dispose of materials.
    • -Initial and date bandage.
    • -Document assessment of wound, irrigation ,and the clients response
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ANC2012 wound care fundamentals of nursing interventions notes