Unit 5 detailed

  1. Who were the explorers who mapped and learned about the Louisanna Territory from 1804-1806?
    Merriweather Lewis and William Clark (often referred to as Lewis and Clark)
  2. Why hadn't many Americans moved west of the Appalachian Mountains prior to 1790?
    The Appalachian Mountain range made pulling covered wagons along narrow horse trails impossible.

    Think of covered wagons as old-fashioned "moving vans". People could not get all their tools and necessities to their new land. Remeber, at this time, people who moved to new land had to build their own house on that land.
  3. What was the largest land gain in a single purchase that the United States acquired in 1803?
    The Louisianna Purchase

    President Thomas Jefferson made the purchase from France for $15 million--about 3 cents per acre.
  4. The conviction that all the land between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans belonged to the United States (or should belong to the US) is called __________________
    manifest destiny
  5. List the Georgia capitals in order from earliest to current.
    • Savannah 1733
    • Augusta 1786
    • Louisville 1796
    • Milledgeville 1807
    • Atlanta 1868

    The order creates this acronym: SALMA
  6. Some Native Americans went into debt when trading with white traders. In 1773, the Creeks and Cherokees had to give up 2 million acres in the _________________ region of Georgia
  7. After the American Revolution, why did Georgia want to attract more people to live in Georgia?
    A larger population meant more representation in Congress.
  8. Under what system did Georgia originally distribute ceded land from the Native Americans?
    headright system
  9. Why did Georgia decide to give away land free of charge rather than sell the land to make a profit?
    Selling the land would take longer to get more people into the state. Giving away the land would be immediate. More people meand more representation in Congress.
  10. Headright system: the head of each family was entitled to ________ acres for himself and _______ acres for each member of his family. The limit was ____________ acres per family.
    Headright system:the head of each family was entitled to 200 acres for himself and 50 acres for each member of his family. The limit was 1000 acres per family.
  11. American Revolutionary War veterans were entitled to additional acres for their service--ranging from 288 acres for ___________ to 1995 acres for __________.
    American Revolutionary War veterans were entitled to additional acres for their service--ranging from 288 acres for privates to 1995 acres for generals.
  12. Why were headright lands irregularly shaped?
    The land owner could go claim the best land for himself which resulted in oddly shaped land plots.
  13. Why would the location of the capital of Georgia matter to a frontier settler whose land was in the backcountry?
    Many matters had to be acted on by the Georgia legislature such as divorces, name changes, and even permits to operate a bridge.
  14. Why didn't the settlers just take a train from their town to the capital of Georgia in Savannah in 1785?
    There were no trains at this time. Transportation was a real issue and it took a lot of time to get from one part of the state to another.
  15. The Yazoo Land Fraud: In 1795, four private land companies _________ many members of the Georgia General Assembly to pass a law that would allow the companies to buy 35 million acres of land at less than _____ per acre.
    In 1795, four private land companies BRIBE many members of the Georgia General Assembly to pass a law that would allow the companies to buy 35 million acres of land at less than 2 CENTS per acre.
  16. The Yazoo Land Fraud: After buying the land at very cheap prices, the land speculators sold the land to private citizens and other companies for a huge _______.
    After buying the land at very cheap prices, the land speculators sold the land to private citizens and other companies for a huge PROFIT.
  17. In 1796, the newly elected legislature met at the new statehouse in Louisville and ___________ the Yazoo Act.
    In 1796, the newly elected legislature met at the new statehouse in Louisville and REPEALED the Yazoo Act.
  18. The legislature also directed that the Yazoo Act be publicly _______ on the statehouse grounds and that all copies of the legislation be destroyed.
    The legislature also directed that the Yazoo Act be publicly BURNED on the statehouse grounds and that all copies of the legislation be destroyed.
  19. After repealing the Yazoo Act, the legislature planned to provide ________ for those who had purchased Georgia's western lands.
    After repealing the Yazoo Act, the legislature planned to provide REFUNDS for those who had purchased Georgia's western lands.
  20. Some people who bought land in the Yazoo Land Fraud did not want to give up their purchase so they went to __________.
    Some people who bought land in the Yazoo Land Fraud did not want to give up their purchase so they went to COURT.
  21. The Yazoo Land Fraud eventually ended up in the _____________, and it took years to resolve.
    The Yazoo Land Fraud eventually ended up in the U.S. SUPREME COURT, and it took years to resolve.
  22. Finally in 1814, the ____________ took over the contested territory from the Yazoo Act and paid off all the remaining claims.
    Finally in 1814, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT took over the contested territory from the Yazoo Act and paid off all the remaining claims.
  23. After the American Revolution, Spain and Georgia both claimed a large tract of land between the _________________ and the _______________ rivers.
    After the American Revolution, Spain and Georgia both claimed a large tract of land between the CHATTAHOOCHEE and the MISSISSIPPI rivers.
  24. In a treaty in 1795, ___________ finally gave up its claim to land to the west of the Chattahoochee River.
    In a treaty in 1795, SPAIN finally gave up its claim to land to the west of the Chattahoochee River.
  25. After Spain gave up the land west of the Chattahoochee River, the U.S. Government decided that the land would be called the _______________________, and it would have its own ____________________. This meant that the land would no longer be a part of ________________.
    After Spain gave up the land west of the Chattahoochee River, the U.S. Government decided that the land would be called the MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY, and it would have its own GOVERNMENT. This meant that the land would no longer be a part of GEORIGA.
  26. Georgia was frustrated with lawsuits over the Yazoo Act, questions about Native American rights, and protecting the frontier settlements. In 1802, these issues convinced state leaders to transfer all the land to the _______________________. In return, the national government paid Georgia $1,250,000 and promised to remove all remaining _________________ from the state.
    Georgia was frustrated with lawsuits over the Yazoo Act, questions about Native American rights, and protecting the frontier settlements. In 1802, these issues convinced state leaders to transfer all the land to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. In return, the national government paid Georgia $1,250,000 and promised to remove all remaining NATIVE AMERICANS from the state.
  27. Why would Georgians want the Native Americans removed from Georgia land?
    Removing the Native people would allow Georgians to have the lands that Native Americans owned.
  28. Since the American Revolution, what had served as the boundary between Creek and Georgia's land?
    Oconee River
  29. From 1802 to 1805, the Creeks __________ lands as far west as the Ocmulgee River.
  30. Georgia abandoned the headright system of distributing land. Now they decided to use a ____________________ to give away the land.
    land lottery
  31. In the land lottery system, surveyors divided up the land into __________ lots.
  32. In land lotteries, lot sizes varied according to the _________ of the land.
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Unit 5 detailed
This is a detailed look at unit 5 in Georgia History. It covers chapter 9 in the Vinson book.