Console Commands & Switches

  1. Scan the system and replace altered files.

    A) sfc / scannow
  2. Launch SFC the next time the computer boots.

    B) sfc /scanonce
  3. Launch SFC every time the computer boots.

    C) sfc /scanboot
  4. Reconfigure SFC to its default setting. (Such as no longer launching on every boot).

    C) sfc /revert
  5. What do you use to apply security restrictions and configuration settings for registry files?
  6. Using the attrib command how do you make a file read only?
    attrib +r file.ext
  7. Using the attrib command how do you make a file hidden?
    attrib +h file.ext
  8. Using the attrib command how do you make a file a system file?
    attrib +s file.ext
  9. Using the attrib command how do you make a file marked to be archived?
    attrib +a file.ext
  10. How do you encrypt a file?
    By editing the file properties through windows explorer.
  11. How do you compress a file?
    By editing the properties through windows explorer.
  12. Can a file be encrypted and compressed simultaneously?
  13. cd
    Shows the current directory.
  14. cd [folder name]
    Changes the current directory to the once specified within the current directory.
  15. cd [full path]
    Changes to the directory specified by the path.
  16. cd..
    changes the current directory to the immediate parent directory.
  17. cd /d [file][path]
    Changes the current drive in addition to changing the directory.
  18. dir
    Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
  19. dir /p
    Pauses output at every page.
  20. dir /s
    Display information in subdirectories.
  21. dir /a[xx]
    To show only a file with a certain attribute or used with a - before the attribute symbol to show files without an attribute.
  22. md
    Makes a directory.
  23. mkdir
    Makes a directory
  24. md [directory]
    Creates a new directory in the current directory.
  25. md [path][directory]
    Creates a new directory in the directory specified by the path.
  26. rd [directory]
    Removes the specified directory within the current directory.
  27. rd [path][directory]
    Removes the directory specified in the path.
  28. rd /s
    Removes subdirectories in addition to files in the current directory.
  29. rd /q
    Will not prompt you before each deletion.
  30. copy [source] [destination]
    Copies the specified file to the new location.
  31. copy [folder] [*.*] [path] [destination]
    Copies all files with extensions in a folder to a new location.
  32. copy /n
    Copies files using short filenames.
  33. copy /y
    Will not prompt you before each deletion.
  34. copy /v
    Verifies files after they are copied.
  35. xcopy /a
    Copies files with the archive attribute set and doesn't change the attribute.
  36. xcopy /m
    Copies the files with the archive attribute set and turns off the archive attribute.
  37. xcopy /d
    Copies files changed on or after the specified date. If no date is given, it copies only those files whose source time is newer than the destination time.
  38. xcopy /p
    Prompts you before creating each destination file.
  39. xcopy /s
    Copies directories and subdirectories (except empty ones).
  40. xcopy /e
    Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
  41. xcopy /h
    Copies hidden and system files also.
  42. xcopy /r
    Overwrites read-only files.
  43. xcopy /k
    Copies attributes. Normal xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
  44. xcopy /y
    Overwrites existing files without prompting.
  45. edit [file]
    Specifies initial file(s) to load. Wildcards and multiple file specs can be given.
  46. edit /r
    Load file(s) in read-only mode.
  47. What type of ATA devices can only use an 80-wire cable?
    ATA/66 and higher.
Card Set
Console Commands & Switches
Command console commands and switches used.