MGT Diversity and Discrim

  1. What % of women participate in work force?
  2. What % of the work force is comprised of foreign-born workers?
  3. T/F The % of minority workers has remained the same
    False, it is increasing
  4. What are the 2 upsides to diversity?
    • 1. Can have a positive effect on performance under the right conditions
    • 2. it's the "right thing to do" (EEO)
  5. What are the conditions in which diversity has a positive effect on performance? (3)
    • 1. Supportive culture
    • 2. when diversity is viewed as an opportunity rather than an obligation
    • 3. When diversity exists throughout all levels of the org.
  6. What are the downsides to diversity? (2)
    • 1. Working with dissimilar others can reduce job satisfaction and lead to turnover
    • 2. Differences in perception may lead to differential treatment- discrimination.
  7. Define Perception.
    process of receiving info and making sense of the world around us.
  8. T/F- we are both efficient and accurate perceivers
    False- we are efficient, but not necessarily accurate
  9. Define Selective Attention
    Filtering relevant information
  10. Define Judgments
    Evaluations of someone's character, personality, potential for success or potential to cause us harm etc. and are subject to bias and errors
  11. Define: Primacy/Recency
    You tend to remember the very first things better and then the very last, but the middle not so much
  12. Define: Halo/Horn Bias
    • We observe a few good traits, a few decisions,
    • and think that all traits and decisions must be good (same with bad)
  13. Define: Attirbution Bias
    Tendency to overestimate the role of the person and underestimate the role of the situation
  14. When is Internal attribution more likely regarding consistency, distinctiveness and consensus?
    • Consistency ^
    • Distinctiveness \/
    • Consensus \/
  15. Define Stereotyping.
    assigning characteristics of a group to every individual in that group.
  16. Define: Social Identity Theory
    We put ourselves and others into categories, ingroups vs. outgroups
  17. Problems with stereotyping (2)
    • 1. people ignore stereotype inconsistent info
    • 2. prejudice and discrimination
  18. Define: cognitive resource capacity
    Too much effort to label all individuals uniquely; it simplifies cognitive processes
  19. What are the two types of discrimination under the law?
    • 1. Disparate Treatement
    • 2. Disparate Impact
  20. Define: Disparate Treatment
    Intended to treat people differently based on group membership
  21. What are the 4 Points of the McDonnell Douglas Test?
    • 1. Person belongs to a protected group
    • 2. Person applied for and was qualified for the
    • job
    • 3. Person was rejected despite qualifications
    • 4. Employer either kept seeking or hired someone
    • with similar qualifications
  22. In Disparate Treatment cases, whta is the defendant's rebuttal?
    bona fide occupational qualificaition (BFOQ)
  23. Define: Disparate Impact
    'facially neutral' employment practice adversely affects different groups
  24. How many charges of sex discrimination were filed in 2009?
    • 12,696
    • --1382 resulted in settlement
    • --16% filed by men
  25. Define: Sexual Harassment
    • “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
    • favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute
    • sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an
    • individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work
    • performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.”
  26. What are the two types of Sexual harassment?
    • 1. Quid Pro Quo
    • 2. Hostile Working Environment
  27. Define Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment
    A benefit or punishment that is contingent upon employee submitting to sexual advances
  28. Define: Hostile Working Environment
    Behavior makes it difficult for someone of a particular se to work. (i.e. Suggestive remarks, explicit language, jokes and innuendoes)
  29. Define: Reasonable person standard
    • single instance of flirtation or vulgar joke not likely to be harassment (seinfeld)
    • and Importance of context, (Friends script writing)
  30. 4 Important trial developments regarding sexual harassment
    • *Can be “contra-power”
    • *Can occur between members of the same sex
    • *Can occur in the absence of a sexual
    • desire on the part of the harasser
    • *Whether acts are “voluntary” on the part of the
    • victim is irrelevant – the correct question is whether the acts were “unwelcome”
Card Set
MGT Diversity and Discrim
Diversity and Discrimination