1. Which of the 7 phses is most important to HP?
    All are equal.
  2. What might happen if HP used the waterfall method to develop ERP?
    The chance of success for the waterfall method is 10%, therefore failure would be likely
  3. What are the 6 Primary Reasons for Failure?
    • 1. Software problems affect the entire business
    • 2. Unclear or missing requirements
    • 3. Skip any phases
    • 4. Project scope (layout) is bad
    • 5. Failure to manage project plan
    • 6. Changing Technology
  4. As an Organization's reliance on software grows, so do the business-related consequences of software and failures including: (4)
    • 1. Incr or decr in REVENUE
    • 2. Repair or damage brand REPUTATION
    • 3. Prevent or incur amount of LIABILITIES
    • 4. Incr or decr PRODUCTIVITY
  5. Define: Systems Development Life Cycle (SLDC)
    the overall process for developing info systems from planning and alaysis through implementation and amintenance.
  6. What are the first 4 steps of SLDC?
    • 1. Planning
    • 2. Analysis
    • 3. Design
    • 4. Development
  7. Define: Business Requirement
    detailed set of business requests that the system must meet in order to be successful
  8. What are the last 3 steps of SLDC?
    • 5. Testing
    • 6. Implementation
    • 7. Maintenance
  9. T/F it is cheaper and easier to fix errors in SLDC process if it is done later in the process
    False- it is more expensive and more difficult. It is better to take care of errors as early as possible.
  10. Define: Waterfall Methodology
    a sequential activity, based process in which each SLDC phse is performed sequentially from planning through maintenence (been here for 30 years, 10% success rate)
  11. What are the 4 Challenges of Systems development?
    • 1. Difficult and Risky
    • 2. Many projects are never finished
    • 3. Some projects finish 200-300% over budget
    • 4. Some Projects finish on shedule and on budget, but do not meet their goals
  12. What are the 5 promary reasons for failure for Systems Development?
    • 1. Unclear or missing business requirements
    • 2. Skipping SDLC phases
    • 3. Failure to manage project scope
    • 4. Failure to manage project plan
    • 5. Changing technology
  13. Define: Scope creep
    occurs when SCOPE INCREASES
  14. Define: Feature Creep
    occurs when extra features are added
  15. T/F- the later in the SDLC an error is found, the more expensive it is to fix
  16. Define: Rapid Application Development (RAD)
    emphsizes extensive user involvment in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working protoypes of a system to accelerate the systems development process
  17. T/F- the Prototype is an essential part of the analysis phase when using RAD
  18. Define: Prototype
    a smaller scale representation or working model of the users requirements or a proposed design for an information system
  19. T/F- The Prototype is essnetially the same as the actual SLDC process
  20. SLDC- Investigation/ Analysis Stage
    End users identify thier business needs and assess the feasibility of several alternative info system solutions
  21. SLDC- Analysis/Design Stage
    End users and or IS specialists use application development tools to interactively design and test prototypes of information system components that meet end user business needs.
  22. Define: Project Management:
    the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project
  23. What are the 3 Interdependent variables or Project management?
    • 1.Scope (increase scope, increase cost/time)
    • 2.Time (decrease time, decrease scope)
    • 3. Cost
  24. What are the top 3 reasons why IT projects fall behind schedule or fail?
    • 1. Poor planning or poor proj. management
    • 2. Change in business goals during project
    • 3. Lack of suppor from business management
  25. Define: Project Plan
    A formal, approved document that manages and controls the project execution
  26. Preparing a project plan has to be prepared by: a team or an individual?
    always a team
  27. What is the 4 Criteria for a well defined project plan?
    • 1. Easy to understand
    • 2. Communicated to all key participants
    • 3. Appropriate to the project's size, complexity and critiacality
    • 4. Prepared by the team rather than the individual project manager
  28. The Top 5 successful project management strategies
    • 1. Define project success criteria
    • 2. develop a solid project plan
    • 3. Divide and conquer
    • 4. Plan for change
    • 5. Manage project risk
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