Psych Quiz 1

  1. Psychology
    Systematic, scientific study of behaviors and mental processes
  2. What is the cross cultural approach to psychology?
    Studies the influences of cultural and ethnic similarities and differences on psychological and social functioning
  3. Cognitive
    involves how we process, store, and retrieve information and how cognitive process influence our behaviors
  4. B.F. Skinner
    The behavioral approach has grown into a major force in psychology. Skinner's idea stressed the study of observable behaviors, the importance of environmental reinforcers (reward and punishment) and the exclusion of mental processess
  5. Functionalism
    the study of function rather than the structure of consciousness, was interested in how our minds adapt to our changing environment
  6. Watson
    "Psychology as a Behaviorist Views it". Rejected introspection. Behavioral approach, observable behaviors
  7. Autism
    marked by especially abnormal or impaired development in social interactions, such as hiding to avoid people, not making eye contact, not wanting to be touched.
  8. Psychiatrist
    A medical doctor who has spent several years in clinical training, which includes diagnosing possible physical and neurological causes of abnormal behaviors and treating these behaviors, often with prescription drugs
  9. Behaviors
    how organisms learn new behaviors or modify existing ones, depending on whether events in their environments reward or punish these behaviors
  10. Psychobiologists
    research on the physical and chemical changes that occur during stress, learning and emotions, as well as how our genetic makeup, brain, and nervous system interact with our environments and influences our behaviors
  11. Whilhelm Wundt
    established first psychology laboratory. Considered father of Psychology. Structuralism and Introspection
  12. Humanistic
    emphasizes that each individual has great freedom in directing his or her future, a large capacity for achieving personal growth, a considerable amount of intrinsic worth, and enormous potential for self-fulfillment
  13. Gestalt Approach
    emphasized that perception is more than the sum of its parts and studied how sensations are assembled into meaningful perceptual experiences
  14. Psychologist
    usually someone who has completed 4 to 5 years of postgraduate education and has obtained a PhD, PsyD or EdD in psychology
  15. Freud
    Proposed some revolutionary ideas about the human mind and personality development. Reasoned that thoughts and feelings that make us feel fearful or guilty, that threaten our self-esteem, or that come from unresolved sexual conflicts are automatically placed deep in our unconcious
  16. Howard
    First African American woman to receive PhD in psychology
  17. What is a survey
    a way to obtain information by asking many individuals- either person to person, by telephone, or by mail- to answer a fixed set of questions about particular subjects
  18. Debriefing
    explaining the purpose and method of the experiment, asking the participants their feelings about being participants in the experiment, and helping the participants deal with possible doubts or guilt that arise from their behaviors in experiment
  19. Scientific Method
    An approach of gathering information and answering questions so that errors and biases are minimized
  20. Test Anxiety
    refers to a combination of physiological, emotional, and cognitive components that are caused by the stress of taking exams and may interfere with one's concentration, planning, and academic performance.
  21. Hypothesis
    An educated guess about some phenomenon and is stated in precise, concrete language to rule our confusing or error in the meaning of its terms
  22. Code of Ethics
    responsibilities of psychologists and the rights of the participants
  23. Correlation
    an association or relationship in the occurrence of two or more things
  24. procrastination
    refers to the tendency to always put off completing a task to the point of feeling anxious or uncomfortable about one's delay
  25. Naturalistic
    is a relatively normal environment in which researchers gather information by observing individuals' behaviors without attempting to change or control the situation
  26. Double-Blind Procedure
    means neither participants nor researchers know which group is receiving which treatment
  27. Control Group
    is composed of participants who undergo all the same procedures as the experimental participant except that the control participants do not receive the treatment
  28. Random Selection
    means that each participant in a sample population has the equal chance of being selected for the experiment
  29. Dependent Variable
    is one or more of the subjects' behaviors that are used to measure the potential effects of the treatment or independent variable
  30. Independent Variable
    A treatment or something that the researcher controls or manipulates
  31. Testimony
    A statement in support of a particular viewpoint based on detailed observation of a person's own personal experience
  32. Who is Maslow
    The humanistic approach was to be the new way of perceiving and thinking about the individual's capacity, freedom, and potential for growth. Many believe humanistic is more of a philosophy then a science of human behavior
  33. Developmental
    examines moral, social, emotional, and cognitive development throughout a person's entire life.
  34. ADHA and Why it is controversial?
    ADHD is primarily diagnosed with observation and not laboratory test which can leave room for error. The major treatment of ADHD is prescriptions which may have long term affects.
  35. What is the placebo effect?
    is a change in the patients illness that is attributed to an imagined treatment rather than to medical treatment.
  36. How can you help procrastination per the textbook?
    Stop thinking about the final goal, break the final assignment down into smaller goals, and write down a realistic schedule
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Psych Quiz 1
Psych Quiz 1