1. what animal feeds on refuse and dead organic matter?
  2. what animal feeds on other animals?
  3. an organism such as a fungus that obtains nutrients from decaying plants and animals and hastens their decompositon
  4. the kind of energy that an object has because of its position or condition
    potential energy
  5. the energy obtained from heat in the interior of the earth
    Geothermal energy
  6. the resistance to motion of two moving objects or surfaces that touch
  7. on a celsius thermometer the number of degrees between the freezing point of the boiling point of water is
  8. a vector is used to represent force. the arrow of the vector indicates its
  9. the process that most directly results in cloud formation is
  10. the smallest particle that still retains the characteristics of copper is
    an atom
  11. when salt is added to water the freezing point of tghe water is ?
  12. fungi that live off of dead or decaying organic matter are classified as
  13. ordinary table salt is an example of a
  14. the planet closest to the sun is
  15. the color of a star indicates its
  16. the function of white blood cells is to
    destroy harmful microorganisms
  17. the earth spins around on its
  18. the distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called the wave's
  19. protein is a compound made up of
    amino acids
  20. 6 types of simple machine, what are they
    • pulley
    • lever
    • wheel and axel
    • inclined plane
    • screw
    • wedge
  21. the process of photosynthesis requires the presence of
    chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants) and sunlight
  22. two methods of asexual reproduction are
    binary fission (by dividing a cell) and budding (pinching of an organism that develops into another)
  23. burning you finger by touching a hot pot is an example of heat transfer by
  24. the bending of light waves when they pass from air into water is an example pf
  25. during the process of transpiration, moisture leaves a green plant through the surface of a
  26. a lack of Vitamin D is related to a condition called
  27. vitamin D is also known as
    sunshine vitamin
  28. a problem caused by a lack of Vitamin C
  29. a disease caused by lack of iodine
  30. a disease caused by lack of vitamin B
  31. substances that hasten chemical reaction time without themselves undergoing change are called
  32. circulatory system
    is concerned with the circulation of the blood and the lymph
  33. eustachian tube, the cochlea, the tiny bones called the anvil and stirrup and the semicircular canals are all parts of what part of the human body?
  34. -273 C is equal to what on the Kelvin temperature scale?
    absolute 0
  35. 212 F does what to water
    boiling temperature
  36. not the arrow but the length of the line segment represent what of the vector?
    the magnitude
  37. what refers to the rate of which an object changes directions?
  38. moisture in the atmosphere that condenses until it is heavy enough to fall as rain or snow
  39. the process by which plants give off water vapor through the surfaces of their leaves
  40. the method by which heat or light energy is emitted in the form of waves or particles
  41. what is the smallest particle of an element that still acts like that element
    an Atom
  42. what is composed of one or more atoms? that the atoms may all be of the same element or can be from different elements forming a compound?
  43. what is the smallest part of a particular substance that still acts like the substance
  44. What is a particle in the interior of an atom.? it is located in the nucleus of the atom and carries a positive electric charge
  45. what is a particle in the interior of an atom? it orbits the nucleus and carries a negative electric charge
  46. phyte means
  47. a type of mixture when one substance is dissolved in another substance. (chloride +water= bleach)
  48. the mixture of of metals or a metal and a nonmetal.
  49. mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, pluto
    planets from the sun
  50. red blood cells do what?
    they carry oxygen to the body cells and also carry carbon dioxide away from body cells
  51. amplitude of a wave is what?
    the height of the crest that the wave reaches above or below the mean position.
  52. the frequency of a wave is what?
    the number of wave crest that move past a certain location in a certain time period
  53. proteins do what?
    they serve as building or rebuilding units
  54. what do carbohydrates do?
    they produce energy
  55. lipids are?
    fats in the body
  56. simple machines are?
    lever, the wheel and axel, the pulley and the incline plane
  57. a battery produces electric current by?
    chemical means
  58. chromosomes and DNA are required for?
  59. Glucose
    is a product of photosynthesis , not something needed for it to occur
  60. mitochondria are required for the process of?
  61. mitosis
    is a normal process of cell division. chromosomes in the nucleus are duplicated the split each have the same amount of chromosomes as the parent/
  62. meiosis
    the chromosomes pairs split apart, and each dauther cell has only half as many chromosomes as the parent cell
  63. convection is when
    heat is transfered within liquids or gases when those liquids or gases are heated unevenly.
  64. insulation is
    the preventing of heat or light from one conductor to another by separting the two with some conducting substance
  65. magnitude is a measurement of what?
    sound and light
  66. stomata is found on what part of a branch
  67. biodiversity is ?
    it describes the presense
  68. Genetic Mapping
    is a technique used to study the gene sequence in the DNA of humans and other species.
  69. Center of Gravity is ?
    the point within an object where there is an equal amount of mass in all directions
  70. as the pressure of a fixed mass of gas increased at constant temperature , the density of that gas?
  71. a _____ changes the voltage in power lines
  72. a motor transform electrical or chemical or heat energy into what type of energy?
  73. the human heart consist of how many chambers?
    4 right and left atria and right and left venticles
  74. water and carbon dioxide make?
    sugar in the photosynthesis process.
  75. the three layers of the earth are?
    crust, mantle, core
  76. a huge piece of earths curst that floats on top of the mantle are known as
  77. a crustal plate sliding beneath another which are usually earthquake and volcanoes zones are known as?
    subduction zone
  78. a term used to describe the part of Earth where life can exist, also a term for all living things and their environment
  79. different types of matter that are located near each other but are not chemically bound to each other is known as
  80. a change in state from liquid to a solid is called?
  81. what is an epicenter
    the point on earths surface directly above the focus of the quake
  82. a high pressure center is generally characterized by weather that is
    cool and dry
  83. the main source of dissolved salts in the ocean is ?
    minerals carried from the land by rivers ( minerals from rocks eroded by the rains)
  84. Scientific Method has 5 steps which are?
    • 1. observation
    • 2. hypothesis
    • 3. experiment
    • 4. theory
    • 5. law or principle
  85. the parts of cells are known as
    organelles (little organs)
  86. What holds the cell together and controls the selective passage of certain materials into and our of the cell
    cell membrane
  87. the living material of the cell lying within the cell membrane but outside the cucleus
  88. the control center of the cell which carry genetic or hereditary material of the cell
  89. endocrine system
    includes glands that regulate growth, blood pressure, etc.
  90. lymphatic system
    brings oxygen to cells and remove waste products from them
  91. excretory system
    removes wastes from the body(excremento)
  92. light passes through the pupil then the cornea and lens(which turns the image upside down) then the retina which flows into the optic nerve to the brain(where it is flipped again and recognized
    the eyeball
  93. geology is the study of
    the formation and composition of the earth. ( useful for the design and construction of large scale buildings and bridges.
  94. 1. arctic tundra
    2. taiga
    3. deciduous forests
    • 1. treeless plains, vast trenches
    • 2. coniferous(evergreen) forests (canada)
    • 3. regions with relatively temperate climates(mild)
  95. Meteorology is the study of
    weather and climate
  96. Matter is defined as anything that occupies
    space and has mass
  97. Mass
    is the is the quantity of matter it possess and at times has a unit of weight assigned to it.
  98. newtons first law
    if the net force acting on an object is zero, the velocity of the object does not change
  99. newtons second law
    if the net force acting on an object is NOT zero the object will be accelerated in the direction of the force
  100. newtons third law
    when one object exerts a force on a second object the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object ( ACTION EQUALS REACTION)
  101. centripetal force
    the force which keeps an object moving around a circle in a circular path
  102. 6 simple machines are
    pulley, lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw and wedge
  103. 3 types of heat transfer
    conduction, convection and radiation
  104. Silver is the best metal _________.
  105. Direct Current (DC) is?
    the flow of current in one direction at a constant rate
  106. Alternating Current(AC) is
    current that goes through a cycle (zero to max speed in one direction then slows down then zero to max speed in the opposite direction)
  107. the electrode that is positively charge is called an
  108. electrode that is negatively charged is called
  109. Mitochondrion is the
    power house of a cell involved in cellular respiration
  110. Ribosome is
    a site of protein synthesis within the cell they are in the cytoplasm
  111. golgi body golgi apparatus do what?
    store and transports materials formed in other parts of the cell
  112. lysosome is a sacklike structure that ?
    releases the enzymes within the cell
  113. the atomic number is based on how many ________are in the nucleus
  114. the atomic mass is based the number of ________ and ________in the nucleus
    protons and neutrons
  115. there are 3 states of matter what are they?
    gas, liquid, solid and the fourth state is plasma (very hot ionized gases)
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