musculoskeletal terms

  1. the ability to engage in bobbing, bouncing, rebounding, and rhythmic motions
    ballistic flexibility
  2. the structural or framework tissues of the body
    connective tissues

    (ligaments, tendons, fibrous shealths)
  3. the ability to engage in slow, rhythmic movements throughout the full range of motion
    dynamic flexibility
  4. the capacity of the joints to move through a full range of movement
  5. a band or sheath of fibrous tissue connecting two or more bones
  6. a forward pelvis tilt (curvature in thelower back) often caused by weak abdominal muscles and inflexible posterior thigh and lower back muscles
  7. pain in the lower back, ranging from a dull annoyance to a chronic disability
    low-back pain
  8. a decrease in muscle bulk and size due to lack of use
    muscular atrophy
  9. the ability of the muscles to repeat a submaximal effort repeatedly
    muscular endurance
  10. an increase in muscle bulk and size due to training
    muscular hypertrophy
  11. the maximum one-effort force that can be generated against a resistance
    muscular strength
  12. the greatest weight that can be lifted once
    one-repetition maximum (1-RM)
  13. a loss of bone mass, associated with an increased risk of fracture
  14. muscle connected to bone, the body's most abundant tissue
    skeletal muscle
  15. the bony vertebal column; composed of 24 vertebrae
  16. the ability to hold a stretched position
    static flexibility
  17. fibrous cords or bands of variable length that connect a muscle with its bony attachment
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musculoskeletal terms
ch 5 terms used in musculoskeletal fitness