Chinese Vocab.Inheritance.txt

  1. 爭奪 争夺 zhēng duó
    fight over; contest; vie over
  2. 奮鬥 奋斗 fèn dòu
    strive; struggle
  3. 發揮 发挥 fā huī
    bring to bear; bring into play; unleash
  4. 謀福 谋福 móu fú
    • 1) planned
    • 2) fortune
  5. 期盼 qī pàn
    (v) await expectantly
  6. 闡釋 阐释 chǎn shì
    to explain; to expound; to interpret; elucidation
  7. 歸還社會 归还社会 guī huán shè huì
    return to society
  8. 坦蕩 坦荡 tǎn dàng
    magnanimous; broad and level
  9. 尷尬 尴尬 gān gà
    awkward; embarrassed
  10. 富裕 fù yù
    prosperous; well-to-do; well-off
  11. 富裕 fù yù
    prosperous; well-to-do; well-off
  12. 諺語 谚语 yàn yǔ
    common sayings, proverb
  13. 繼承 继承 jí chéng
    to inherit; to carry on; to succeed
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Chinese Vocab.Inheritance.txt
chinese vocab inheritance