
  1. Population Density
    The number of individuals per unit area.
  2. What are 3 characteristics of a population?
    Its geographic distribution, density, and growth rate.
  3. What are 3 factorsthat can affect population size?
    The number of births, the number of deaths, and the number of individuals that enter or leave the population.
  4. Immigration
    The movement of individuals into an area, which can cause a population to grow.
  5. Emigration
    The movement of individuals out of an area, which can cause a population to decrease in size.
  6. Exponential Growth
    Occurs when the individualsin a population reproduce at a constant rate. A J- shaped curve shows exponential growth over time!!!!!
  7. Exponential Growth
    Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, a population will grow exponentially.
  8. Logistic Growth
    Occurs when a population's growth slows or stops following a period of exponential growth.
  9. Logistic Growth
    As resources become less available, the growth of a population slows or stops.
  10. Carrying Capacity
    The horizontal line through the region of the graph where the growth has leveled off.
  11. Limiting Factor
    A factor that causes population growth to decrease.
  12. Density-dependent limiting factor
    A limiting factor that depends on population size. Density-dependent factors become limiting only when the population density-the number of organisms per unit area-reaches a certain level.
  13. Predator-prey relationship
    Populations in nature are often controlled by predation. The regulation of a population by predation takes place within a predator-prey relationship.
  14. Density-independent limiting factors
    Affect all populations in similar ways, regardless of the population size.
  15. Density-independent limiting factors
    Unusual weather, natural disasters, seasonal cycles, and certain human activities- such as damming rivers and clear-cutting forests- are all examples of density-independent limiting factors.
Card Set
Chapter 5 "Population's Test"