Jennifer Hodges

  1. How many facial bones are there and what are their names?
    • 14
    • 2 Maxillae Bones
    • 2 Zygomatic Bones
    • 2 Lacrimal Bones
    • 2 Nasal Bones
    • 2 Inferior Nasal Conchae
    • 2 Palatine Bones
    • 1 Vomer
    • 1 Mandible
  2. What are the largest immovable bones of the face?
    2 Maxillae or Maxillary Bones
  3. What is the largest movable bone in the face?
    Mandible-Lower Jaw
  4. What houses the Eight (8) upper teeth?
    The inferior aspect of each alveolar process of each maxilla.
  5. What is a point at the superior aspect of the anterior nasal spine?
  6. What forms the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth called the hard or bony palate?
    The two (2) palintine processes
  7. What is a cleft palate?
    An openeing caused by the incomplete joining of the 2 palatine processes
  8. What is derived from the word meaning "Tear"?
    Lacrimal Bones
  9. What is a positioning landmark and refers to the prominent portion of the zygoma?
    Zygomatic Prominence
  10. What are the thinnest and most fragile bones in the body?
    The Lacrimal and Nasal Bones
  11. What are the two platelike, curved (SCROLL SHAPED) facial bones within the nasal cavity called?
    Inferior Nasal Conchae (Turbinates)
  12. What conchae pairs are part of the ethmoid bone?
    Superior and Middle pairs are part of the ethmoid bone
  13. What conchae pair is considered as a seperate facial bone by itself?
    The Inferior Nasal Conchae
  14. What is the purpose for the the three (3) pairs of nasal conchaes?
    To break up or mix the flow of air coming into the nasal cavities before it reaches the lungs
  15. What bone is the largest and ONLY movable bone of the facial bones?
  16. What is the process at the anterior end of the mandibular notch?
    Coronoid Process
  17. What forms the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?
    The head of the Condyloid Process fits into the Temporomandibular Fossa of the Temporal Bone
  18. What projection best visualizes the horseshoe shape of the mandible?
    The Submentovertex (SMV)
  19. What type of joint is the Temporomandibular Joint?
    • Synovial(Diarthrodial)
    • Freely Moveable
  20. What type of joint are the Alveoli and Roots of Teeth?
    • Fibrous (Synarthrodial)
    • Immoveable
  21. What is the subclassification for the Alveoli and Roots of Teeth?
  22. When do the frontal and sphenoid sinuses usually become fully aerated?
    Age 6 or 7
  23. What sinuses usually develop last?
    The Ethmoid Sinuses
  24. When do all paranasal sinuses generally fully develop?
    Late Teens
  25. What is the preferred method for imaging the paranasal sinuses?
    Erect, to show air-fluid levels
  26. Where are the Sphenoid Sinuses located?
    The Sphenoid Sinuses are behind the Ethmoid Sinuses(They are more POSTERIOR) and below the sella turcia
  27. What provides evidence of a basal skull fracture?
    Air fluid levels within the Sphenoid Sinuses (close to the base of the cranium)
  28. What is the rim of the orbit, which corresponds to the outer circular portion of the cone called?
    Base(Front of the eye)
  29. What is the posterior portion of the cone that corresponds to the optic foramen called?
    Apex(Back of the Eye)
  30. How many bones create each Orbit and what are they?
    • 7
    • Cranial Bones
    • -Frontal
    • -Sphenoid
    • -Ethmoid
    • Facial Bones
    • -Maxilla
    • -Zygoma
    • -Lacrimal
    • -Palatine
  31. Which bones form the Circular Base of each Orbit?
    • Frontal Bone(Orbital Plate)
    • Maxilla
    • Zygoma
  32. What is a small hole in the Sphenoid Bone that is located posteriorly at the apex of the cone shaped orbit
    Optic Foramen
  33. What is a cleft or opening beteween the greater and lesser wings of the Sphenoid Bone?
    Superior Orbital Fissure
  34. What are the names of the Three (3) holes or openings in the posterior portion of each orbit?
    • Optic Foramen
    • Superior Orbital Fissure
    • Inferior Orbital Fissure
  35. What seperates the superior orbital fissure from the optic canal?
    Sphenoid Strut (It is NOT an opening in the oribt)
  36. What is a fracture of the floor of the orbit caused by an object striking the eyes straight on and ruptures the floor of the orbit?
  37. What is a fracture caused by a blow to the cheek resulting in a "Free Floating" Zygomatic Bone?
    • Tripod Fracture
    • Orbital Process
    • Maxillary Process
    • Arch of the Zygoma
  38. What is a fracture to one side of a structure that is caused by an impact on the opposite side?
  39. What is a bilateral horizontal fracture of the maxilla that may resut in an unstable detached fragment?
Card Set
Jennifer Hodges
Facial Bones and Sinuses