Hist 2110 Final Exam

  1. Great Depression
    from 1929-1930s-40s economic crisis for the U.S.
  2. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    32nd president from election of 1932 had a plan to end depression called The New Deal
  3. __________ from depression
    __________ the economy
    __________ the system so another depression will not occur.

    *Part of the New Deal*
    the 3r's Relief, Recovery, and Reform
  4. Closed Banks until a solution came about
    Bank Holiday
  5. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    FDIC-insures personal bank deposits for up to $5,000 and separates commercial banks from investment-brokerage operations
  6. Securities and Exchange Commission
    Monitors stock market trading (SEC)
  7. A series of thirty evening radio addresses given by President Roosevelt
    Fireside Chats
  8. Brought cheap electricity to the Tennessee Valley,build fertilizer plants,create jobs and recreation

    built a damn for the Tenn. River/hydroelectric power
    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
  9. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
    paid farmers NOT to grow crops to prevent surplus "stabalization corporations"
  10. The Second New Deal
    • 1935-36 includes programs to redistribute wealth, income and power in favor of the poor, the old, farmers and labor unions.
    • The most important programs included Social Security, the National Labor Relations Act ("Wagner Act"), the Banking Act, rural electrification, and breaking up utility holding companies.
  11. The Welfare State
    concept of government where the state plays the primary role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens
  12. WPA
    Works Progress Administration-The WPA was a national program that originated its own projects (in cooperation with state and local governments) and sometimes took over state and local relief programs that had originated in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) or FERA programs.
  13. Social Security
    A federal insurance program that provides benefits to retired persons, the unemployed, and the disabled.
  14. Consumer Culture
    defined by the buying and spending of consumers
  15. Eleanor Roosevelt
    • worked to enhance the status of working women,co-founder of freedom house
    • "First Lady of the World"
  16. Dust Bowl
    Dirty Thirties, caused by severe drought coupled with decades of extensive farming without crop rotation, fallow fields, cover crops or other techniques to prevent erosion.
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Hist 2110 Final Exam
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