
  1. cyclosporing, azathiprine and methotrexate...what are these
  2. what are cyclosporines mainly used to prevent?
    organ rejection
  3. what is the ADE of cyclosporin?
    gingival hyperplasia
  4. when are cyclosprine, azathioprine and methotrexate used?
    when NSAIDS fail
  5. ____ immunosuppressant is not to be used concurrently with NSAIDs
  6. what immunosuppressants increase blood levelse causing toxicity?
    cyclosporine and inhibitor sof CYP3A4
  7. ___ and ___ _____ agents can lead to cyclosporine toxicity
    • erythromycin
    • azole antifungal
  8. what is administered orally to prevent malaria?
  9. t/f leflunomide has no dental drug interactions
  10. t/f gold salts are restrict to RA
  11. what immunosuppressant is used therapeutically in periodontal inflammation
  12. what is used in cominations with methotrexate to reduce signs and symptoms of moderate to severe active RA
  13. what are the ADEs of rituximab? 5
    • increased risk for infection
    • reactivation of viral diseases
    • cardiac arrhytmia
    • angina
    • severe mucocutaneous reactions
  14. how is rituximab administred?
    • IV one time week for 4 weeks (one course
    • IV one time week up to 8 doses or eight weeks total (second course of 4 doeses)
    • last six months post infusion
  15. what should you monitor for with a pt taking rituximab
    • development of blood dyscrasia
    • pulse rate and rhythm
    • recent history of angina
  16. what type of appt should be used for a pt on immunosuppressants?
    short appt and use mouth prop
  17. what causes gout?
    imbalance in purine metabolism, resulting in uric acid levels localizedin joint
  18. what are the symptoms of gout
    • pain
    • tenderness
    • warmth
    • redness
    • swelling
  19. what is used most often for pharmacologic therapy for ACUTE gout
  20. what inhibits cyclooxygenase and inhibits protsaglandin and thromboxane synthesis?
  21. what is used for tx of ACUTE gout?
    • NSAIDs
    • indomethacin
  22. what is used for the management of CHRONIC gout in low doses to inhibit occurrence of acute attacks?
  23. what drug inhibits steps in inflammatory process and is used for limited tx for ACUTE polyarticular gout?
  24. if there is an ACUTE attack in a SINGLE joint what tx is done?
    methylprednisolone injected directly
  25. what are the agents that decrease uric acid synthesis of CHRONIC GOUT
    allopurinal and oxypurinal
  26. which chronic gout drug is generally well tolerated
  27. t/f chronic gout tx with allopuinol may progress to stevens-johns syndrome
  28. allopurinal should be discontinued when?
    if rash develops
  29. what is allopurinal used to tx
    CHRONIC gout
  30. what does allopurinal do?
    inhibits synthesis of uric acid
  31. what should not be prescirbed with allopurinal use?
    amoxicilin and ampicillin
  32. what agents are used to decrease uric acid excretion?
    • probenecid (red)
    • sulfinpyrazone
Card Set
joint disorders starting at immunosuppressants