Chem Exam 4

  1. _______ is gas to solid.
  2. what is the triple point?
    solid, liquid, and gas occur all at once, all 3 phases coexist.
  3. what is the critical point?
    point at which liquid becomes supercritical
  4. what does super critical mean?
    has properties of liquid and gas at same time
  5. what is vapor pressure?
    pressure exerted by vapor when itsin dynamic equilibrium with its liquid
  6. the amount of heat energy required to vaporize one mole of a liquid is called what/
    Heat of vaporization
  7. What is the formula for calculating Heat of vaporization?
    Delta H (condensation)= -Delta H (vaporization)
  8. Heat of vaporization is always what/
    Endothermic, +
  9. liquids that evaporate easily are said to be what? (gasoline, finger nail polish remover)
  10. what is viscosity?
    the resistance of a liquid to flow
  11. higher temp= ____ viscosity
  12. larger intermoleculare attractions= ____ viscosity
  13. give 3 physical properties of liquids that are dependent on IMF's
    surface tension, viscosity, ability to dissolve
  14. what is a good rule for increasing BP's
    the longer the carbon chain the higher the BP
  15. what 2 ways can the rate of evaporation be increased for a given volume of water?
    increased temprature and surface area
  16. all molecules and atoms have what kind of IMF?
  17. Molecules containing H bonded to F, O, or N have what kind of IMF?
    hydrogen bonding
  18. Polar molecules have what kind of IMF?
  19. Mixtures of ionic and polar compounds have what kind of IMF?
  20. List inorder of increasing strength the types of IMF. 1 being strongest
    Ion-Dipole, Hydrogen, Dipole-Dipole, Dispersion
  21. ____ is the property of liquids that results from the tendency of liquids to minimize their surface area
    surface tension
  22. Why do surface molecules behave different than other molecules and how do they behave different?
    because they have less neighbors, and they're less stable
  23. why do meniscuses form?
    because of competition between cohesive and adhesive forces
  24. what is BP?
    point at which vapor pressure= external pressure
  25. when reffering to BP's the higher the elevation the______ the BP.
  26. Why is the H-O-H bond angle in water 104.5 degrees rather than 109.5 degrees angle that would be expected?
    b/c the lone pair of electrons are more repulsive than the pair of electrons that are bonded.
  27. What are the 3 exceptions to the octet rule?
    • Phosphorus & Sulfur have expanded octets
    • Boron has less than octet
    • odd # electrons
  28. 3 Types of bonding?
    • Ionic: Metal & non-metal
    • Molecular (covalent): 2 non-metals
    • Metallic: 2 metals
  29. what is an excited state?
    when it doesn't fulfill an energy level but skips and goes to next highest, when it decays back down it gives off energy
  30. What is the formula for formal charge?
    (# valance electrons in neutral atom)- (unshared e's)-(1/2 # bonded)
  31. what is a saturated soln?
    when max amt of solute is dissolved in a given volume of solvent
  32. What is a unsaturated soln?
    less than max amt that can dissolve
  33. what is a superstaturated soln?
    when more than max amt of solute is dissolved in a given volumeof solvent
  34. Solubility of gases ____ as temp increases.
  35. What is Henry's Law?
    P (pressure)=KH(henry's const.)* C
  36. what is dalton's Law of partial pressures?
  37. What is the formula for the density of a gas?
    • D= Molar mass/ molar volume
    • or
    • D= PM/RT
  38. What is Boyles law?
  39. what's Charles's Law?
  40. What is Avagadro's Law?
  41. in PV=nRT, R is what?
    gas constant= 0.08206 L*atm/mol*K
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Chem Exam 4