Final 265

  1. Emotional or behavioral disorder
    The term "emotional or behavioral disorder" means a disability that is characterized by emotional or behavioral responses in school programs so different from appropraite age
  2. Externalizing behaviors
    • Get of their seats
    • Yell, talk out, and curse
    • Disturb peers
    • Hit or fight
    • Ignore the teacher
    • complain
    • steal, lie
    • agrue
    • destory property
    • do not comply with directions
    • have temper tantrums
  3. internalizing behaviors
    Some EBD children are anything but aggressive. Their problem is opposite, too little social interaction with others.
  4. Brain disorders
    Brain disorders are the result of either brain dysgenesis (abnormal brain development) or brain injury (caused by influences such as diseas or trauma that alter the structure or function of a brain that had been developong normally up to that point.
  5. Child behavior checklists
    The teacher's report form includes 112 behaviors (sudden changes in moore or feelings) that are rated on a 3-point scale. Not true, somewhat or sometimes true or very true or often true.
  6. Behavior and emotional rating scale
    Assesses a student strengths in 52 items across five areas of functioning, interpersonal strengths, family involvement, intrapersonal strengths, school functioning, and affective strengths.
  7. Functional behavioral assessment
    A systematic process for gathering information to understand why a student may be engaging in a challenging behavior. School psychologists, special educatiors, and behavior analysts this information.
  8. Behavioral intervention plan
    a required IEP, component for all students with disabilities who school performance is adversely affected by behavioral issues.
  9. indirect functional behavior assessment
    The easiest and quickest form of FBA involves asking teachers, parents, and others who know the child well about the circumstances that typically surround the occurrence and nonoccurrence of the problem behavior and reactions the behavior usually evokes from others.
  10. Severe disabilities
    Includes students with significant disabilites in intellectual, physical, and/or social functioning
  11. Multiple Disabilities
    Two of the three IDEA disability categories described in this chapter, as well as those with severe menatl retardation. Cannot be accommodated in special education programs soley for one of the impairments.
  12. Profound disabilities
    profound development in all five of the following behavioral-content areas, cognition, communication, social skills, motor-mobility and activities of daily living.
  13. Deaf-blindness
    Hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that cannot be accomodated in specail education programs
  14. Acceleration
    Permitting the student to move as swiftly as possible through required curriculum
  15. Enrichment
    Enriching the content of instruction to inlcude more innovation, novelty, and sophistication is the moss common method
  16. Academic rigor
    The curriculum should include systematic teaching of research skills, keyboarding, computer use, speed reading etc.
  17. Tiered Lesson
    Provides different extensions of the same basic lesson for gorups of students with differening abilities
  18. Curriculum compacting
    involves compressing the instructional content and materials
  19. Blooms Taxonomy
    six levels or types of cognitive understaind , comprehensions, application analyssis, synthesis, evaluation
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Final 265