Earth Science Astronomy

  1. Earth's orbit is ___ perct circle.
    not a
  2. In the Northeern hemiphere, ______ is closer in January, and ______ is further in July.
    • Perhelion (Pretty close)
    • Aphelion (away)
  3. The calculation of an elliptical shape is called ________ and varies from ____-____.
    Eccentricity, 0-1
  4. What is the difference between rotation and revolution?
    • Rotation is how long it takes Earth to spin once on its axis,
    • Revolution is how long it takes Earth to orbit the sun.
  5. Earth rotates at __o per hour
    15o per hour. These are time zones.
  6. Stars rotate around Polaris at __o per hour.
    15o per hour, A camera must be open for a certain amount of time depending on the angle.
  7. What is one thing that proves Earth rotates? What is one thing that is caused by the Earth's rotation?
    • Foucault Pendulum
    • Coriolis Effect
  8. We revolve around the sun about __.
    1o per day.
  9. The universe is expanding. We know this because _________
    of the red shift.
  10. What is the red shift?
    It is the length of the wavelength a star gives off. As they get further and further away, the wavelength stretches and the light shifts toward the red end of the spectrum. If it were getting smaller, the waves would be squished together and make the blue shift.
  11. Different elements emit different wavelengths. this forms _____________ to _________________.
    gamma rays to radiowaves
  12. Describe the path of the sun on December 21.
    Rises in the southeast, moves low in the sky, and sets in the southwest.
  13. Describe the path of the sun on March 21.
    Rises in the due east, moves at the latitude of the place area in the sky, and sets due west.
  14. Describe the path of the sun on June 21.
    Rises in the northeast, moves high in the sky, and sets in the nortwest.
  15. Describe the path of the sun on September 21.
    Rises in the due east, moves at the latitude of the place area in the sky, and sets due west.
  16. The hours of daylight for an area determine ___________.
    The insolation it receives. The higher the sun is in the sky, the longer it is out, and the more insolation it will receive.
  17. Describe a solar eclipse.
    A solar eclipse is when the moons shadow blocks the suns rays from reaching Earth and an area goes dark.
  18. Describe a lunar eclipse.
    A lunar eclipse is when the Earth blocks the the suns rays from reaching the moon and you can't see the moon from Earth. It goes completely dark and then it will tint red from light bending.
  19. Where we live, The sun ______________ passes _________.
    never passes Zenith.
  20. Where we live, the Sun is always in the _____ at noon.
  21. Where is Polaris in the sky?
    The altitude of Polaris is equal to the latitude you are. If you are at the equator, Polaris is is 0 o in the sky. If you are at the NOrth Pole, Polaris is 90o
  22. Describe your shadow throughout the day.
    When the sun is low in the morning, your shadow is long, and gets shorter. at solar noon, it is the shortest. Your shadow will then get longer until the sun sets. Also, your shadow points away from the sun.
  23. What is the apparent motion?
    It means that something seems like it is moving and we stay still, but really, we are moving. For example, it looks like the sun goes across the sky, but is really just spinning.
  24. If you are in between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun ______________.
    Will be overhead at one time in the year.
  25. If you are in the Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle, the sun __________________.
    Will not rise for at least one day and have 24 hours of day light for another.
  26. The farther north you get from in the U.S., the ______ the sun is at noon.
  27. Earth always points in the same direction. What does this cause?
    The seasons because the Sun is pointed at different directions.
  28. An elliptical has two foci. The farther the foci,____________.
    The more elliptical it will look.
  29. Does the distance of the planets to the sun affect the speed of revolution.
  30. The closer a planet is to the sun, the ____ gravity affects it.
  31. The galaxy is in the shape of a spiral and we are far away from the center.
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Earth Science Astronomy
Earth Science Astronomy