1. An organism, primarily athropods and rodents, which play a significant role in the transmission of disease in man, also known as an intermediate host
  2. Where can you find the athorized pesticide afloat list
    NAVMED P-5052-26 Appendix A
  3. Genius and Species of luose
    • Crab louse- Phthirus pubis
    • Body Louse- Pediculus Humanus
    • Head Louse- Pediculus Humanus capitus
  4. What is the prefered eye protection
    Unvented or indirectly vented goggles
  5. Food items that have high potential for insect infestation potentiial
    • Grits, Cornmeal, farina
    • Dry Mix, Macaroni, Barley
    • Cookie/Cake mix, flour
    • Dry Beans, peas, ready to eat cereal
  6. What insect harborage in bedding/seems of matresses
    bed bugs
  7. Emergency TX for pesticide exposure
    • Organophosphate poisoning-Irreversible cholinesterate inhibition
    • Carbamate poisoning- Reversible cholinesterase inhibition
  8. What is the correct way to approach management of mite infestation
    • Dispose of infected material
    • Sanitation of food storage and handling areas
    • Use of effective residual sprays
  9. What drug is administered for carbamate poisoning
    2-4mg Atrppine Sulfate
  10. The pesticide Acaricide is used for?
    Mites, Scorpions, Spiders and Tics
  11. What is the proper clean up procedure for pesticide spill
    Confine the pesticide(use absorbant material)
  12. What amount and type of insect makes food unfit for human consumption
    • 1 Demestid (Kharpa Beetle)
    • > 3 Tribolium/lb
    • > 7 insects/lb
  13. How many trogoderma Granarium can you have before the food is considered unfit for human consumption
    1 Dermesticide (Kharpra beetle)
  14. Has 2 lonfgitudinal dark stripes near the head
    most common indoor species
    found in food service spaces and facilities
    Tan to straw colored (15mm)
    German cockroach
  15. Lighter than the german (<15 mm)
    two yellow bands near the base
    wings with 2 transverse light bands(nymphs)
    Brown banded roach
  16. Dark reddish brown (35mm)
    Anterior dorsal plate behind head has a conspicious yellow border strip
    Filthy habits, favors damp areas
    American Roach
  17. DOD requires what for use of non-standard pesticides
    Must be approved by area entomologist
  18. What is a blow fly also known as
    Blue bottle or green bottle fly
  19. Department on ship that is responsible to plan and recommend vector control measures
    Medical department
  20. What class of pesticacides enter the body through respiratory and body surfaces
  21. Highly toxic lable requirements (Skull and cross bones ) came from:
    • Fed. INsecticidem fungicide, and rodentcide act of 1972 (FIFRA)
    • Danger poision 0-50mg/kg will kill,=teaspoon, taste
  22. More food/shelter more eggs, this is reference to what fly that lays eggs in abudance of organic matter
    Sand fly
  23. Most common indoor roach species
  24. Who establishes labeling requirements for pesticides
  25. Also in pesticide labeling who gives it the registration number
  26. Cogniciance of the Ship sanitation control exemption program
    BUMEDNOTE 6210
  27. Provides information to requesting commands on vector control worldwide
  28. NAvy entemologiy center of excellence
    Pestecide usage will be reported to them on a monthly basis
  29. How often should inspections be done on high-risk foods
    • Monthly on all food storage spaces looking for:
    • high insect infestation potential
    • Damage boxes, bags
    • Stock rotation
  30. This is the Ship Sanitation Control Exemption program
    SSCEC/SSCC valid for 6 months
    Can be extended for one month by original user
    BUMEDNOTE 6210
  31. This beetle has the terminal antennae segments larger than other segments
    Red Flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum)
  32. These beetle has the terminal segments that gradually increast in size
    Confused flour beetle (tribolium confusum)
  33. What insect is of worldwide distribution, does widespread damage to dry vegatables-figs, ground nuts, almonds, cocoa beans, and herbs
    sledome infest grain products
    Indian meal moth
  34. what is the most common stored product pest aboard ship
    Saw tooth grain beetle
  35. What are the different names of the Trogodema and why are they so dangerous
    • Dremestid Beetle
    • Kharpa beetle
    • Larvae can survive starvation and has countless hairs that when ingested can cause intestinal problems
  36. THis species of mosquito most has spotted wings and is associated with malaria
  37. This type of mosquito is seen in tropical and subtropical regions and is known for encephalomyelitis and west nile virus
  38. This mosquito is commonly found in southeast/southern states and known for dengue, yellow fever, tularemia, filarial nematodes
    Aedes Aegypti
  39. Dysnetary is associated with what fly
    House fly
  40. Typhoid fever is associated with what fly
    Blow fly
  41. Bartonellosis(bacterial) slan fly fever and leishmanaisis are associated with what fly
    Sand Fly
  42. Filarial parasites (onchocerciasis) associated with what fly
    Black fly
  43. protozoan (trypanosmomiasis)
    Tse Tse fly
  44. What vector is commonly associated with LOA LOA
    Horse fly/deer fly
  45. The oriental rat flee is the chief vector of
    • Bubonic plague
    • Flea-borne Typhus
  46. Identified by distince hard covering scutum and only one blood meal per month
    Hard tick
  47. Lack of scutum and feeds several times a month
    Soft tick
  48. What burrows in the horny layer of the epidermis, causing intense itching and occasional erythema
  49. Commonly known as brown rat, house rat, and sewer rat
    Norway rat
  50. Has course fur, heavy set
    Tail shorter than body and head combined
    Small close set of ears
    Blunt nose and small eyes
    Norway rat
  51. Which rat has a pointed nose
    frequently found on ships
    adults live about 1 year
    Roof rat
  52. describe the fecal droppins of each type of rat and mouse
    • Roof rats: Small and rod shaped
    • House mouse: small and rod shaped
    • Norway rat: Large and capsul saped
  53. What is the only approved method of rodent control aboard ship
  54. Shipboard certificate are required
    • Enviromental health surveys
    • Medical readiness evaluations
    • Entering a foreign port
  55. Who is the issuing athority
    • SSCEC/SSCC- primary inspector is PMT
    • With approval from NMCPH: Individual envt health officer
    • Individual medical entomology offocer
    • Civilian envt. health personnel
  56. What is the specifications for rat gaurds for ship-pier connections
    • 36in diameter
    • placement 6 feet away from pier
    • point of cone should face the ship
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