1. It is a person, animal, arthropod, Plant, soil, substance or combination of; in which an infectious agent lives, multiplies, or which depends on primarily for survival, and where it reproduces itself, in a way that allows transmission to a susceptible host
  2. An animal or plant that harbors or nourishes another organism
  3. What is the most common Hepatitis in the US
    Hepatitis A
  4. What are the two type of rashes in Rubella
    • Enanthema
    • Exanthema
  5. Described as palatal Macules rash seen in Rubella
  6. Blotchy eruption beginning on the face and neck, then spreading to trunk and limbs, type rash in Rubella
  7. What falls under infectious disease
    • Key Judgements
    • Supplement to risk assesments
    • Disease of potential risk
  8. What insect transmitts the west nile virus
    Culex Mosquito
  9. How many phases are there of yellow fever, and what are they
    • 1. VIremic Phase (early mild)
    • 2. Brief recovery period (moderate to severe)
    • 3. Toxic (severe)
  10. What phase of yellow fever has Jaundice
    Toxic(severe) Phase
  11. Defined as a viral flavivirus transmitted by an arthropod bite, and is usually nonspecific, self limiting, febrile illness
    Dengue fever
  12. This illness predominantly affects children ages 5-10
    Chicken pox
  13. What is the treatment for a GI bleed in Viral Hemmorhagic fever
    • Zantac
    • Ice water lavage or gavage
  14. Incubation period for yellow fever
    3-6 days
  15. What is the vector for Dengue fever
    Most prominant Aedes Aegypti
  16. Incubation of 14 days
    Constitutional symptoms
    Non-productive cough
    Sore throat
    Occasional Nausea
  17. What is the incubation period for the plague
    1-7 days
  18. Yersenia pestis is the infectious agent of what disease
  19. It has the potential to be used as a bio weapon, inducing pneumonia, which can be easily transfered secondairly and has a high mortailty rate
  20. An acute generalized paramyxoviral disease causing inflamation of the salivary glands
  21. Dengue fever includes these initial signs and symptoms
    • Constitutional symptoms
    • Severe Myalgia to back, head, and extremitites(break bone fever)
    • Sore throat
    • Prostration
    • Conjunctival flushing
    • Readness, flushing and blotching of the skin
  22. Incubation period for rabies
    10-90 days
  23. Is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterial spirochete leptospira Interrogans
  24. Which is an inflamation disease of the bowell caused by Shigella
    Shigellosis(bacillary dysentery)
  25. Transmitted by consumption of contaminated shellfish, water and food
  26. Described the mechanism by which an infectious agent is spread to humans
    Mode of transmission
  27. Drinking citrus or acidic foods exacerbates symptoms of what disease
  28. An acute systemic paramyxoviral infection caused by RNA morvillivirus
  29. Mild systematic disease caused by the togavirus
    Rubella(german measles)
  30. Phases of rabies
    • Prodrome
    • Acute neurological period
  31. What S/S is in the prodrome phase of rabies
    Constitutional symptoms, sore throat, pain or anestesia at exposure site, gastrointestional symptoms, Psychiatric symptoms
  32. What is included in the acute neurological phase of rabies
    Extreme hyperactivity, bizzare behavior, period of relative calm, hallucinations, disorientation, siezures, paralysis, thick tenacious saliva, larynx and phyranx spasm, severe pain accompanied with drinking(hydrophobic)
  33. Diahrrea or constipation, physical findings of stool will be fatty, floating, clay stools
  34. Stages of leptospirosis
    • Septicemic stage (about 1 week)
    • Immune stage(6-12 days after septicemic stage) (aseptic menengitis)
  35. What disease is transmitted by fecal oral route and a enterovirus present the throat washings and stools
  36. Incubation period of yellow fever
    3-6 days
  37. Physical findings of this disease that has lower abdominal pain and enlarged ovaries(Oophoritis)
  38. An accute diahrreal infection
  39. Types of ticks you can find in the western and eastern US
    • Wood tick (west)
    • Dog tick(east)
  40. Incubation period for typhus
    1-3 weeks for all types
  41. Disease that is transmitted by the infected droplets via the upper respiratory tract, viral replication then occurs and dissemintates into other organs and congenital infections -80%
    Rubella(german measles)
  42. Physical findings of this disease has lymphadenitis, to the lymph nodes where the bite site drains, 90 % inguinal nodes (bubos)
  43. THis is the number 1 intestional protozoa pathogen and is the most common in the US and europe
  44. Causitive agent is entamobea histolytica
  45. mode of transmission for amebiasis
    Oral fecal route, ingesting conrtaminated water or food
  46. What are the four human types of malaria
    • P. Falciparium
    • P. Vivax
    • P. Malariae
    • P. Ovale
  47. Casused by a gram positive spore forming aerobic rod
  48. White 1-2 mm papules appearing on the buccal mucosa
    Koplik spots
  49. Secition of the medic CD rom that contains civilian and military disaster and emergency response, social factors and medical treatment and evacuation facilities
    Medical Capabilities
  50. Initial symptoms are non-specific and include a sudden onset of constitutional symptoms, sore throat, intense headache, delirum, tachycardia
  51. Treatment for Coccidiomycosis
    Fluconizole 200 to 400mg
  52. A systemic illness caused by a generalized bacterial infection
    Bacterial sepsis (septicemia)
  53. What are the five main genus of Viral Hemmorhagic fever
    • Arenavirdae(lassa fever)
    • Bunyavirdae(hanta virus)(rift valley)
    • Filoviridae (ebola 90%) marburg
    • Flavivirdae(tick borne encephalitis)
    • Paramyxoviridae (hendra virus)
  54. What stage of lyme diesease that has flat raised red lesions appears at the bite site
    Stage 1 (early localized)
  55. Dengue fever has a rash that first is on the dorsum of the hands and feet then to the arms and legs, what may they look like
    • Scarlatiniform
    • Morbilliform
    • Maculopapular
    • petechial
Card Set
Infectious disease, Bacteria, Virus, Parasite