shosh: lower extremity

  1. Femoral fracture
    • Most commonly at neck of femur
    • Disruption of medial circumflex femoral a. may result in avascular necrosis of head of femur
    • Thigh rotates laterally
  2. Direction of thigh rotation in dislocation of head of femur
  3. Compression of sciatic nerve
    Weakness of posterior thigh, leg, and foot muscles
  4. Attachment of ACL
    • Anteromedial aspect of tibia to lateral aspect of femur
    • Prevents hyperextension of knee
  5. "terrible triad"
    Injury to ACL, medial meniscus, and tibial collateral ligament
  6. Ligament torn in inversion ankle sprain
    Anterior talofibular part of lateral ligament
  7. Innervation of posteromedial thigh, posterior leg, and plantar foot
    Anterior fibers: obturator and tibial nerves
  8. Innervation of anterior thigh, anterolateral leg, and dorsal foot
    Posterior fibers: femoral and common fibular nerves
  9. Psoas abscess compresses...?
    Femoral nerve
  10. Femoral nerve lesion presents with...
    • Inability to flex thigh at hip and extend leg at knee
    • Diminished patellar tendon reflex
  11. Pelvic fraction lesions...?
    Femoral nerve
  12. Obturator nerve lesion
    Inability to adduct hip
  13. Anterior hip dislocation lesions...?
    Obturator nerve
  14. Posterior hip dislocation lesions...?
    Superior or inferior gluteal nerves
  15. Polio lesions...?
    Superior gluteal nerve
  16. Superior gluteal nerve lesion
    • Inability to abduct thigh at hip
    • Px will have Trendelenburg ("waddling") gait, where pelvis sags on contralateral side
  17. Inferior gluteal nerve lesion
    • Loss of lateral rotation and extension of thigh at hip
    • Inability to climp stairs or rise from seated position
    • Pxs have "gluteus maximus gait," where torso leans back to compensate for loss of hip extension
  18. Tibial nerve lesion in gluteal region
    Loss of knee and plantar flexion
  19. Tibial nerve lesion at ankle
    • Occurs at tarsal tunnel, adjacent to medial malleolus
    • Pain and paresthesia in sole of foot
  20. Trauma to lateral aspect of leg
    Common peroneal/fibular nerve injury
  21. Fracture of kneck of fibula
    Common peroneal nerve injury (most common LE injury)
  22. Common peroneal nerve injury
  23. Inability to stand in toes
    • Tibial nerve injury
    • (TIP--Tibial Inverts adn Plantarflexes)
    • May result from knee trauma
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shosh: lower extremity