Boards: Airway/Resus/Vent

  1. What is the benefit to rapid sequence induction in the emergency setting?
    The use of a PARALYTIC AGENT (ie succ)

    • -enhances EASE OF INTUBATION
    • -PREVENTS ASPIRATION by paralyzing the muscles
  2. In a trauma pt with multiple fractures, internal injuries, and an unstable airway, emergent endotracheal intubation in the emergency department is considered prior to definitive surgical therapy. What is the most likely hemodynamic consequence of intubation and initiation of mechanical ventiliation in this subject?
    • Secondary to decrease in venous return associated with:
    • -sympatholytic agents used for induction
    • -positive pressure-induced increase in intrathoracic pressure
  3. What is the average distance from the external nares to the carina in males and females?
    Males = 32 cm

    Females = 27 cm
  4. What is the only abductor muscle of the vocal cords?
  5. At what thoracic vertebral level is the carina situated during full inspiration and full expiration?
    Full inspiration = T6

    Full expiratoin = T4
  6. How long should a patient be preoxygenated to achieve a denitrogenation level such that apnea for 3 to 5 minutes maintains the oxygen saturation above 90%
    5 MINUTES in the normal individual
  7. What is the mean average rise of carbon dioxide in apneic oxygenation?
    3 mmHg/min
  8. What are the optimal angles of flexion of the neck and extension of the atlanto-occipital joint to achieve axial alignment before intubation ("sniffing position")?
    30 degrees of flexion

    15 degrees of extension
  9. How difficult is conventional endotracheal intubation in a pt with rheumatoid arthritis who presents with a stiff neck and limited mouth opening?

    Better prepare for a different way to control airway
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Boards: Airway/Resus/Vent
Boards: Airway/Resus/Vent