neuromuscular blocking agent

  1. neuromuscular blocking agents block
    nicotinicM receptors at the neuromuscular junction.
  2. The ganglionic blocking agents block
    nicotinicN receptors in autonomic ganglia.
  3. Neuromuscular blockers interfere with
    nicotinicM receptor activation and thereby cause muscle relaxation.
  4. Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers act by competing with
    acetylcholine (Ach) for binding to nicotinicM receptors.
  5. Succinylcholine,
    the only depolarizing neuromuscular blocker in use
  6. Succinylcholine binds to
    nicotinicM receptors,

    causing the end-plate to depolarize; the drug then remains bound, which keeps the end-plate from repolarizing.
  7. Neuromuscular blockers are used to produce
    • muscle relaxation during surgery,
    • endotracheal intubation,
    • mechanical ventilation,
    • electroshock therapy.
  8. Paralysis is brief because succinylcholine is
    rapidly degraded by pseudocholinesterase, an enzyme present in plasma.
  9. Neuromuscular blockers do not reduce
    consciousness or pain
  10. The major adverse effect of neuromuscular blockers is
    respiratory depression
  11. Succinylcholine can cause
    malignant hyperthermia, a life-threatening condition.
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neuromuscular blocking agent
chapter16 key points