
  1. Photon
    A particle of light
  2. Absorption Spectrum
    The different colors, or wavelengths, of light absorbed by each pigment in photosynthesis
  3. Thylakoids
    The photosynthetic membranes in the chloroplast which are arranged in the shape of flattened
  4. Grana
    Stacks of hyaloids in plant chloroplasts
  5. Stroma
    The regions between the grana
  6. Carbon Fixation
    The process in which carbon dioxide is incorporated into organic compounds by the processes of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis
  7. Chemosynthesis
    A form of autotrophic nutrition in which energy for synthesizing organic compounds is obtained from inorganic compounds rather than from light
  8. Meristems
    A region or tissue composed of cells that undergo or are capable of repeated cell division
  9. Cambium
    A meristematic tissue found in woody plants
  10. Xylem
    The tissue that conducts water and minerals from the roots upward through the plant and helps to support the plant
  11. Phloem
    The tissue that conducts food and other dissolved materials throughout the body of a vascular plant
  12. Root Hairs
    Hair like extensions of root epidermal cells that increase the surface area for absorption
  13. Stomates
    The openings in the epidermis of leaves that allow the exchange of respiratory gases between the internal tissues of the leaf and the atmosphere
  14. Pith
    The center of a herbaceous dicot system, made up of parenchyma cells
  15. Guard Cells
    Pairs of specialized epidermal cells that regulate the opening and closing of the stomates, found in leaves
  16. Transpiration
    The evaporation of water vapor from plant surfaces
  17. Root Pressure
    The osmotic pressure in the xylem of a root
  18. Auxins
    The hormones that affect the growth of all types of plant tissues
  19. Gibberellins
    The hormones that affect plant growth as well as the development of fruits and seeds
  20. Tropism
    A growth response in a plant caused by a stimulus that comes from one direction
Card Set
Plants Vocabulary for AP Biology