MOD D unit 1 review

  1. Flow of the heart
    • 1. vena cava6. pulmonary artery11. l. ventricle
    • 2. r. atrium7. LUNGS12. aortic valve
    • 3. tricuspid valve8. pulmonary vein13. aorta
    • 4. r. ventricle9. l. atrium
    • 5. pulmonary valve10. bicuspid (mitral) valve
  2. what part of the <3 is known as the pacemaker
    SA Node (sinoatrial node)
  3. what is a sphygmomanometer and what is it used for?
    • Instrument used to measure the arterial blood pressure
    • blood pressure cuff
  4. what is vasotripsy and what is it used for?
    crushing of a blood vessel to arrest hemorrhaging
  5. where is the brachial pulse located
    just above the elbow
  6. what is the most common place for a MA to take a pulse?
    Radial (thumb side of wrist)
  7. what is endoarterectomy
    surgical excision of the inner portion of an artery
  8. understand the dif. between: veins, capillaries, arterioles, arteries
    • veins: carries bld. to heart. (deoxy)
    • capillaries: smallest vessels. (oxy to body)
    • arterioles: smaller branches of arteries. carry bld. to capillaries.
    • arteries: carries bld. away from heart (oxy)
  9. superior vena cava
    • delivers bld. from the head, neck, upper limbs, and chest
    • (deoxy)
  10. inferior vena cava
    carries bld. returning from the rest of the trunk, organs in the abdominopelvic cavity and lower limbs (deoxy)
  11. understand placement of systolic and diastolic
    • systolic
    • ______

  12. 3 types of circulatory systems
    • systemic: <3 to body
    • pulmonary: <3 to lungs
    • portal: between organs & lungs
  13. what is the name of the wall in the center of the heart?
  14. starting from outside, name the 3 layers of the heart:
    pericardium/epicardium => myocardium => endocardium
  15. know the valves and location
    • TRICUSPID VALVE: between R. atrium & r. vent.
    • PULMONARY VALVE: between R. vent & pulm. artery
    • BICUSPID (MITRAL) VALVE: between L. vent & L. atrium
    • AORTIC VALVE: between aorta & L. Vent.
  16. normal <3 rate. b/p?
    • 80-100
    • 120/80
  17. what is the job of valves?
    entrance or exit of each ventricle and prevents bld. from returning. ONE WAY STREET FOR BLD.
  18. what is the main job of the circulatory system?
    • transports oxygen & nutrients to the body's cells.
    • transports carbon dioxide and waster materials away from the body's cells
  19. 4 main parts of the circulatory system:
    • hearts
    • arterioles
    • veins
    • capillaries
  20. how big is the heart? how much does it weigh?
    • man's fist
    • 260-300 grams
  21. what kind of condition is a lack of rhythm of the heart?
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MOD D unit 1 review
circulatory system