
  1. Health promotion
    Active involvement in behaviors or programs that advance positive well-being.
  2. Nutrition
    The sum of the processes involved with the intake of nutrients as well assimilating and using them to maintain body tissue and provide energy: a foundation for life and health
  3. Nutrition Science
    The body of science, developed through controlled research, that relates to the processes involved in nutrition-internationally, clinically, and in the community.
  4. Dietetics
    Management of diet and use of food; the science concerned with the nutrition planning and preparation of foods.
  5. Registered Dietitian (RD)
    A professional dietitian, accredited with an academic degree of undergraduate orgraduate study program, who has passed required registration examinations administered by the American Dietetic Association.
  6. Health
    A state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being; relative freedom from disease or disability
  7. Metabolism
    The sum of all cheical changes that take place in the body by which it maintains itself and produces energy for its functioning (products of the various reactions are called metabolites).
  8. Glycogen
    A polysaccharide, the main storage form of carbohydrate, largely stored in the liver and to a lesser extent in muscle tissue
  9. Kilocalorie
    The general term calorie refers to a unit of heat measure and is used alone to designate the small calorie. The calorie used in nutrition science and the study of metabolism is the large calorie, or kilocalorie, to be more accurate and avoid the use of large numbers in calculations. A kilocalorie, or 1000 calories, is the measure of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1000 g (1L) of water 1 degree C.
  10. Amino Acids
    Nitrogen-bearing compounds that form the structural units of protein. After digestion amino acids are available for synthesis of specific tissue proteins.
  11. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)
    Nutrient recommendations for each gender and age group that can be used for assessing and planning diets for healthy populations.
  12. Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs)
    Recommended daily allowances of nutrients and energy intake for population groups according to age and sex, with defined weight and height.
  13. MyPyramid
    A visual pattern of the current basic five food groups (bread/cereal, vegetable, fruit, milk/cheese, meat/dry beans/ egg), arranged in a pyramid shape to indicate proportionate amounts of daily food choices. Now called myplate
Card Set
Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy