Traditions and Encounters Chapter 6

  1. The Olmecs
    Migration to mesoamerica:
    Large wave of humans traveled from ___ to ___ around 13,000 BCE.
    siberia, alaska
  2. The Olmecs
    Migration to Mesoamerica:
    By 9500 BCE, humans reached the southernmost part of _____.
    south america
  3. The Olmecs
    Migration to Mesoamerica:
    As ___ became difficult, ___ began (7500 BCE).
    hunting, agriculture
  4. The Olmecs
    Early agriculture:
    What crops?
    beans, squash, chilis, (later on maize became staple)
  5. The Olmecs
    Early Agriculture:
    No ____ villages appeared before 3000 BCE.
  6. The Olmecs
    Early agriculture:
    No ____, which means no ____.
    large domesticated animals, wheeled vehicles
  7. The Olmecs
    ____ centers by the end of the second millennium BCE.
  8. The Olmecs
    The Olmecs were also known as the ___.
    rubber people
  9. The Olmecs
    The Olmecs lived near the ____.
    Gulf of Mexico
  10. The Olmecs
    The Olmecs had _____ built.
    elaborate complexes
  11. The Olmecs
    The colassal ____-possible likenesses of ___.
    human heads, rulers
  12. The Olmecs
    ___'s power shown in construction of huge ____.
    Ruler's, pyramids
  13. The Olmecs
    Traded ___ and ___.
    jade, obsidian
  14. The Olmecs
    Decline of Olmecs:
    Systematically ____ ceremonial centers by 400 BCE.
  15. The Olmecs
    What were the main influences of the Olmecs?
    maize, ceremonial centers, calendar, human sacrifice, ball game
  16. The Maya
    Lived in the highlands of ____.
  17. The Maya
    Besides maize, they also cultivated ___ and ___.
    cotton, cacao
  18. The Maya
    ___ was the most important Maya political center, 300 to 900 CE
  19. The Maya
    Maya Warfare:
    ____ had prestige, ____ were slaves or victims
    warriors, captives
  20. The Maya
    Who had power by the ninth century?
    Chichen Itza
  21. The Maya
    The Maya decline began in 800 CE, many mayans ____ their cities.
  22. Maya Society and Religion
    Maya society was _____.
  23. Maya Society and Religion
    Who were at the top of the social classes?
    kings, priests, and hereditary nobility
  24. Maya Scoiety and Religion
    Who were from the ruling class and also served as ambassadors?
  25. Maya Society and Religion
    Professional ____ and artisans were important.
  26. Maya Society and Religion
    ___ and ____ were a majority of the population.
    peasants, slaves
  27. Maya Society and Religion
    The Maya calendar had both ___ and ___ years interwoven.
    solar, ritual
  28. Maya Society and Religion
    Maya writing was_____ and ____, only ___ books survive.
    ideographic, syllabic, four
  29. Maya Society and Religion
    Religious thought:
    ____, a maya creation myth, taught that gods created humans out of ___ and ___.
    Popol Vuh, maize, water
  30. Maya Society and Religion
    Religious thought:
    Gods maintained ___ cycles in exchange for ____ and ____.
    agricultural, honors, sacrifices
  31. Maya Society and Religion
    Religious thought:
    ____ rituals honored gods for rains.
  32. Maya Society and Religion
    The Maya Ball Game-sporting, gambling, and ___ significance.
  33. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    The city of Teotihuacan in the highlands of Mexico:
    Colassal ____ of sun and _____.
    pyramids, moon
  34. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    The city of Teotihuacan in the highlands of Mexico:
    High point between 400 and 600 BCE; _____ inhabitants
    200,000 (two hundred thousand)
  35. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    The city of Teotihuacan in the highlands of mexico:
    ____ and ___ reflect the importance of preists.
    paintings, murals
  36. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Teotihuacan society:
    ____ and ___ dominated society.
    rulers, preists
  37. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Teotihuacan society:
    ___ of city inhabitans worked in ___ during daytime.
    two-thirds, fields
  38. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Teotihuacan society:
    ___ were famous for their ____ tools and ____ pottery.
    artisans, obsidian, orange
  39. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Teotihuacan Society:
    Professional ____ traded extensively throughout Mesoamerica.
  40. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Teotihuacan Society:
    No sign of ___ organization or ____.
    military, conquest
  41. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Early migration to ___ and ___ region.
    peru, bolivia
  42. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    By 12,000 BCE _____ and ___ peoples reached South America.
    hunting, gathering
  43. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    By 8000 BCE they began to experiment with ____.
  44. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    Complex ____ appeared in central ____ region after 1000 BCE.
    societies, Andean
  45. Heirs of the Olmecs: Teotihuacan
    ____ societies were located in modern-day ___ and ___.
    Andean, peru, bolivia
  46. Early Agriculture in South America
    What were the main crops?
    beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and cotton
  47. Early Agriculture in South America
    ___ supplemented agricultural harvests.
  48. Early Agriculture in South America
    By 1800 BCE the poeple produced ___, built ___ and _____.
    pottery, temples, pyramids
  49. The Chavin Cult, from about 900 to 300 BCE
    Comeplexity of ___ society increases during ___.
    Andean, Chavin
  50. The Chavin Cult, from about 900 to 300 BCE
    Devised techniques of prodicing _____ textiles and fishing ___.
    cotton, nets
  51. The Chavin Cult, from about 900 to 300 BCE
    Discovered ___, ____, and ____ metallurgy.
    gold, silver, copper
  52. The Chavin Cult, from about 900 to 300 BCE
    ____ began to appear shortly after Chavin Cult.
  53. The Chavin Cult, from about 900 to 300 BCE
    Early ___ did not make use of writing.
  54. The Mochia State
    Diminated northern ___.
  55. The Mochia State
    What were the four main things?
    irrigation, trade, military, no writing
  56. The Mochia State
    Artistic legacy:_____ on pottery, ceramics
  57. Early societies in Oceana
    Early socities in Australia and New Guinea
    By the mid-centuries of the frist millenium CE, human communities were in all habitable ____ of the Pacific.
  58. Early Societies in Oceana
    Early societies in Australia and New Guinea
    About ten thousand years ago, rising seas separated ____ and ___.
    Australia and New Guinea
  59. Early Societies in Oceana
    Early societies in Australia and New Guinea
    Australia:___ and ____ until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries BCE.
    hunting and gathering
  60. Early Societies in Oceana
    Eary societies in Australia and New Guinea
    New Guinea: Turned to ____ about 3000 BCE
  61. Early societies of Oceana
    Austronesian peoples from southest asia were ___ to new Guinea, 3000 BCE
  62. Early Societies of Oceana
    Early agriculture to new guinea: ___ crops and ___.
    root, herding animals
  63. The Peopling of the Pacific islands
    Austronesian migrating to polynesia:
    ____ canoes enabled to sail safely.
  64. The Peopling of the pacific islands
    ____ and ____ animals.
    agriculture, domesticated
  65. Early Society of Oceana
    Austronesian migrations to ____ and ___.
    micronesia and madagascar
  66. Lapita society from new Guinea to Tonga
    ____ villages, Pottery with ____ designs
    agricultural, geometric
  67. lapita society from new guinea to Tonga
    networks of trade/communication: four main things?
    pottery, obisidian, shells, tools traded
  68. Lapita society from new Guinea to Tonga
    After 500 BCE, trade nework ___: cultures developed ____.
    declined, independently
  69. Lapita society from New Guinea to Tonga
    Hierarchal ___; Tension led to ___
    cheifdoms, migration
  70. Lapita society from new guinea to Tonga
    ____ or ____ cheifs: led public ___, oversaw ____
    devine, semidevine, rituals, irrigation
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Traditions and Encounters Chapter 6
A review for traditions and encounters chapter 6.