Foundations of Structural Kinesiolody

  1. Kinesiology
    Study of motion or human movement
  2. Anatomic Kinesiology
    Stufy of human musculoskeletal system and musculotendinous system
  3. Biomechanics
    Application of mechanical physics to human motion
  4. Structural kinesiology
    stury of muscles as they are involved in science of movement. both skeletal and muscular structures are involved
  5. More than __ muscles are found in the body
  6. Who needs kinesiology and Why?
    • Who: Anatomists, coaches, strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers, nurses, physical educators, PTs Physicians, athletic trainers, massage therapists, and others in health-related fields.
    • Why: there people should have an adequate knowledge and understanding og all large muscle groups to teach others how to strengthen, improve, and maintain these parts of human body. They should also know why specific exercises are done in conditioning and training of athletes.
  7. Anatomical position
    standing in upright posture, face straight ahead, feet parallel and close, and palms facing forward
  8. Fundamental position
    Same as anatomical except arms are at the sides and palms facing the body
  9. Anterior
    in front or in the front part
  10. Anterioinferior
    in front and below
  11. Anteriosuperior
    in front and above
  12. posterior
    behind, in back, or in the rear
  13. posteroinferior
    behind and below; in back and below
  14. posterolateral
    behind and to one side, expecially to the outside
  15. anterolateral
    in front and to the side, especially to the outside
  16. Anteromedial
    in front and toward the inner side or midline
  17. anteroposterior
    relating to both front and rear
  18. posteromedial
    behind and to the inner side
  19. posterosuperior
    behind and the upper part
  20. contralateral
    pertaining or relating to the opposite side
  21. ipsilateral
    on the same side
  22. bilateral
    relating to the right and left sides of the body or of a body structure such as the right and left extremitites
  23. inferior
    below in relation to another structure, caudal
  24. superior
    above in relation to another structure, higher, cephalic
  25. distal
    situated away from the center or midline of the body or away from the point of orgin
  26. proximal
    nearest the trunk or the point of orgin
  27. lateral
    on or to the side, outside, farther from the median or midsagittal plane
  28. medial
    relating to the middle or center, nearer to the midial or midsagittal plane
  29. median
    relating to the middle or center, nearer to the median or midsagittal plane
  30. inferolateral
    below and to the outside
  31. inferomedial
    below and toward the midline or inside
  32. superolateral
    above and to the outside
  33. superomedial
    above and toward the midline or inside
  34. caudal
    below in relation to another structure, inferior (toward the tail in animals)
  35. cephalic
    above in relation to another structure, higher, superior (towards the head in animals)
  36. deep
    beneath or below the surface, used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue
  37. superficial
    near the surface, used to describe relative depth or location of muscles or tissue
  38. prone
    the body laying face down, stomach laying
  39. supine
    lying on the back, face up
  40. dorsal
    relating to the back, being or located near, on, or toward the back, posterior part, upper surface of
  41. ventral
    relating to the bell or abdomen on or toward the front, anterior part of
  42. volar
    relating to palm of the hand or sole of foot
  43. plantar
    relating to the sole or undersurface of the foot
  44. anteroposterior or sagittal plane
    divides body in equal, bilateral segments. it bisects body into 2 equal symmetrical halves or a right and left half
  45. lateral or frontal plane
    divides the body into front and back (antrior and posterior) halves
  46. transverse or horizontal plane
    divides body into top and bottom (superior and inferior) halves when the individual is in anatomic position.
  47. Skeletal system has __ bones
  48. axial skeleton
  49. appendicular skeleton
  50. Diaphysis
    long cylindrical shaft
  51. cortex
    hard dense compact bone forming walls of diaphysis
  52. periosteum
    dense fibrous membrane covering outer surface of diaphysis
  53. endosteum
    fibrous membrane that lines the inside of the cortex
  54. medillary cavity
    between the walls of the diaphysis, containing yellow or fatty marrow
  55. epiphysis
    ends of long bone formed from cancellous (spongy, trabecular ) bone
  56. epiphyseal plate
    growth plate, thin cartilage plate separating diaphysis and epiphysis
  57. articular (hyaline) cartialge
    covering the epiphysis to provide cushioning effect and reduce friction
  58. osteoblasts
    cells that FORM new bone
  59. osteoclasts
    cells that RESORB new bone
  60. bone composites
    • 60-70 % calcium carbonate, calcuim phosphate
    • 25-30 % water
Card Set
Foundations of Structural Kinesiolody
CH 1 Structural Kinesiology